Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Dream Job: Nightmare Essay Topics
Dream Job: Nightmare Essay TopicsOne of the best and most profitable parts of your writing life is turning your writing into a nightmare. Making your writing a nightmare takes a lot of persistence and time. We've found the first step is determining what nightmare essay topics to write about and make your writing a nightmare.Often nightmare essay topics will consist of topics that your audience will be totally shocked and out of the loop. For example, it might be amazing to discover the fact that the United States has the most obese people in the world. This is a topic that is usually closed in higher education circles, because when you do write that particular topic you are derailing the precious dream of higher education for the students who want to make a difference in the world, however you could capitalize on the fact that a lot of people around the world are seriously overweight and struggle to find the time to exercise.When you are trying to write a nightmare essay topics, it i s important to first find a topic that is interesting people won't want to forget. Let's say you have just visited a village in Africa and you see a guy sitting on a rock with a fish hook hanging out of his mouth. You would be able to get a brilliant and unique topic on that subject and write a superb dissertation on it.On a similar note, you can try finding a dissertation topic that you are interested in and are completely unaware of. When you are in college, you will be writing a lot of projects so you might as well try to write a dissertation topic that you know nothing about. You can write about your favourite celebrity and how she relates to the topics of death and the hereafter and be able to get a great dissertation topic.After you find the right topic for your topic, there are a couple of tips that you need to follow. First, start writing about your dissertation topic and don't feel like you need to reveal everything about your topic. Have your beginning and ending, paragrap hs, and headings of the topic so that it will be easier for your audience to digest it.You can also include some humor in your dissertation, even if you are writing on a subject that is horrifying. Just be sure that the humor is really funny and is not just for your own amusement.You might also find that there are horror dissertation topics that you can write about. These topics are usually horror stories of the students that have passed their degree. You could also write about the horrors of Halloween and try to incorporate those horror stories into your dissertation topic.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Major Differences Between Profit And Nonprofit Organization Finance Essay - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 27 Words: 8243 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? There are several elements that obviously distinguish nonprofit organization from profit organization. Through the understanding of these differences will enable people to identify the nonprofit organization easily. These differences can be classified as significance, sources of fund, ownership and control, human resources management, accounting, assets distribution and used of profit of an organization. 4.1.1 Significance The main difference for a profit and nonprofit organization is their significance. Significance can be defined as the importance of something, especially when this has an effect on what happens in the future (Hornby, 2005). On the other way round, it can be explained as the importance of an organization, the affection of an organization or the purpose of its existence. Every organization is formed with a certain purpose or objective to be achieved. A profit organization exists mainly to generate profit which means to earn more money than those have been invested in. Profit organization aims to maximize profit and increase business owners wealth. Therefore, profit organizations usually come out with products or services that are offered at certain price level in the market to generate income. The income will then be distributed to the owners of the organization. It is the right of owners to decide whether to keep all profit themselves or reinvest parts or all of the profits into the b usiness. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Major Differences Between Profit And Nonprofit Organization Finance Essay" essay for you Create order On the other hand, nonprofit organizations are generally formed to promote social welfare and fulfill societys needs like for some specific religious, humanitarian, charity purpose, educational purpose and environment protection. According to Prugsamatz (2010), the main objective of nonprofit organization is to provide services to people by bringing people together and help them through improving the level of societies, economic and social situations; responding to various foreseeable and unforeseeable challenges encountered by society; environmental preservation; and other humanitarian efforts geared toward growth, development, and preservation. Besides Weerawardena, McDonald and Mort (2010) also said that nonprofit organization exists to provide services to fulfill the needs that will not be satisfied by both private and public sector. Therefore, nonprofit organization plays vital roles in organizing activities that will help in meeting nations needs. All the activities perform in nonprofit organization must consistent with the purposes as stated before. The intention of a nonprofit organizations operations is to manage and distribute fund into programs and activities that would assist in meeting societys needs. Hence, proper fund management is became the fundamental element to success the organization. Nonprofit organizations are concerned with proper fund management to minimize the operating costs in order to maximize the usage of fund for social welfare. 4.1.2 Sources of Fund Fund is the fundamental element for the survival of an organization. It is defined as an amount of money that has been saved or has been made available for a particular purpose (Hornby, 2005). Fund is required to finance the activities run in an organization and the activities include operation activities, administration activities, development activities and investment activities. Therefore, it is very vital for an organization to obtain sufficient fund from various sources to maintain the organizations functionality. In profit organizations, sales revenue include cash sale and credit sale are the main sources of fund to the organizations. Profit organizations rely mainly on the income generated from normal business activities and the credit arrangements from the suppliers and creditors to finance their operation. Besides that, profit organizations are allowed to raise fund from public at large through issuing of companies shares. The investors will be offered certain percentage of ownership in accordance to the capital invested or fund injected into the organization. Profit organization can also obtain fund through employment of loan. Loan will provide the organization an amount of money that is required to finance organizations projects. The organization will then repay the loan after a certain period of time with certain percentage of interest with the earning obtains from the businesses. On the other way round, a nonprofit organization can obtain fund through variety of sources. The funds can be gathered from fee for services, special events, donations and grants from individuals, government agencies and other organizations. Among these sources of fund, donation will contribute to major part of the fund received by the organization. As nonprofit organization is only able to collect fund from the donors solely based on the trust of donors toward the organizations, nonprofit organizations have to ensure the proper management of fund to maintain their reputation and gain donors confident toward the organization. Thus, nonprofit organization must be very conscious in the usage of the money to ensure that the benefits given to targeted recipients will be maximized. In the context to get donation from others, special event would be the most suitable ways to attract the donors and get donors acknowledgements. Grant is another good alternative to obtain fund, however, this s ource is inconsistence and therefore cannot rely too much on it. Whereas, fee for services is often an uncommon used alternative. 4.1.3 Ownership and Control Another significant different of profit and nonprofit organization is related with the ownership and control over the organization. The ownership and control of a profit organization will often refer to which type of organization that the profit organization is. As an owner managed organization which is either sole proprietorship or partnership, the owner retains two principal powers in which the owner makes managerial decisions of the firm and entitles to the profits of the firm (Marks, 1999). In simple words, the owners own the company and having control on the operations and managements of the company. However, for large public held corporation, the owners remain their claim on the profit but do not having the direct control over the entire corporation (Marks, 1999). The owners of the big corporation which also call as shareholders, are having right to receive profit in the form of dividend annually from the organization. However, shareholders do not have right to make decision fo r the organization. This responsibility is eventually placed on the manager, who has been appointed by the board of director, who is formed by the shareholders of the organization. According to Marks (1999), managers have control on the organization but possess relatively small or no residual claims. On the other hand, a nonprofit organization does not have an owner to control over the organization. Hence, there are no shareholder exist in a nonprofit organization. As said by Glaeser (2003), even those who have funded the nonprofit organization through donation cannot obtain the control over the nonprofit organization. Therefore, nonprofit organization is existed as an independent body that is not owned by anyone. However, nonprofit organization is officially controlled and managed by its board of director. The board of director of a nonprofit organization is usually formed by some of the major donor or their representative. Although the board is having authority to make decision and manage the organization, they do not own the organization. The organization itself is independent from anyone including those managing it. Therefore, board members are not able to sell or transfer their control rights to other and they do not own any valuable that will contribute to organizations suc cess (Glaeser, 2003). In short, the board of director controls over nonprofit organization yet does not own and entitled to the profit distribution. 4.1.4 Assets Distribution As provided by the Public Sector Accounting Standard Board of the Australian Accounting Research Foundation and Australian Accounting Standard Board (1995), asset can be defined as the future economic benefits that controlled by the organizations due to past transactions or other past events. This means that it is something that will benefit the organization for achieving the organizations objectives. This is due to in achieving their objectives; both profit and nonprofit organization use assets to provide goods and services that will satisfy people needs and wants. In profit organization, the assets are used to provide goods and services. Organizations objective to maximize profit is achieved through the benefits received from the sale of these goods and service. Besides, the sale of the assets can also benefit the organization toward achieving profit maximization. In profit organizations, all the assets in the organizations belong to the business owners as the assets are bought by using the capital contributed by the owners. Therefore, while a profit organization is dissolved, organizations assets or the money from the sale of assets will be distributed to the organizations owners in accordance to the proportion of shares owned or the percentage of their ownership in the organizations. However, in nonprofit organization, assets are used to provide goods or services to fulfill the needs and wants of the needy without charges rather than to receive profit. In nonprofit organization, all the assets are belongs to the organizations. No personal is entitled to claim for the assets in a nonprofit organization. When a nonprofit organization is being dissolves, all the assets will be transferred or donated to another nonprofit organization. Therefore, one who is likely to earn money will invest in profit organizations rather than nonprofit organizations due to the restriction of nonprofit organizations in handling their assets. 4.1.5 Profit Distribution The next difference between profit and nonprofit organization is in term of profit distribution. The business owners in a profit organization are entitled to realize gains from their organization. When a profit organization has good performance or has surplus of money from sale for current period, the excessive gain is allowed to be distributed to the owners of the organization. In general, the business profit is going to be distributed in three ways as corporate profits taxes, corporate profits and dividends. According to commercial law, portion of the business profit would be charged as taxes and collected by Inland Revenue Board to finance the operation of government. Whereby, part of the business profit will be distributed to business owners or shareholders in the form of dividend in accordance to the percentage of ownership or shares own by them. The dividend will be given annually, for every six months or for every quarter depending on the practice of the organization. Whereas, the remaining undistributed profit will be classify as retained earnings. The retained earnings will neither be paid as company tax nor be paid to shareholders as dividends. Indeed, they are the income earned but not received by shareholders. On the other way round, there is no practice of profit distribution occur in any nonprofit organization. This is because the profit earned by nonprofit organization is not subjected to any person and therefore will not be distributed instead of retransfer back to the organizations. These profits are then being used to pay for the operating expenses incur for the organizations like salary of employees, utilities and other administrative expenses. As mentioned by Glaser (2003), nonprofit organization cannot disburse profits to its members either board of director or employees as this constraint prevent nonprofit organization to cheat on customers and workers. It is very important that all funds raised by nonprofit organizations remain in the organization. This is because nonprofit organization only acts as the agent to help in managing the public money for welfare purpose. All the funds are needed for accomplishing the specific organizations objectives to meet societys needs rather tha n for other purposes. 4.1.6 Human Resource Management Employees are essential asset for all organizations and are categorized as organizations human capital. Employees help in running organizations daily operation, improving organizations efficiency, promoting organizations growth and development and achieving organizations success. Hence, it is very important for organization to hire good and suitable employees to the organization. However, in current situation, both profit and nonprofit organizations are dealing with pressure in hiring diverse employees. Profit organizations usually found to be easier in recruiting employees. This is because profit organizations would normally have sufficient resources to attract talent people to work for them. They can afford to pay high salaries, bonuses and offer other benefits to employees like equity in the companies, authority and other monetary and non-monetary benefits. On the other hand, in current funding environment, nonprofits are especially hard pressed to fund operating expenses. In order to maximize the usage of fund for social welfare, nonprofit organizations are required to minimize their operating cost. Therefore, nonprofit organizations are very difficult to afford to attract employees through monetary incentives. Therefore, with limited resources, nonprofit organizations cannot attract and retain employees easily. Furthermore, nonprofit organizations do not have shares and thus unable to offer share option to their employees. Hence, most of the employees in nonprofit organizations are the people who have passion and willing in helping and serving the nations. They work for their inspiration instead of money return. However, in reality, it is very difficult to search for these volunteer to work in the nonprofit organization. 4.1.7 Accounting Treatment Tax Profit organizations are registered as the business entity and required to pay taxes on their net income from business. Different types of organizations are subjected to different kind of tax and tax rates. For instance, owners of sole proprietorship and partnership are subject to personal tax instead of corporate tax for owners of companies. On the other hand, nonprofit organizations have tax privileges (Glaeser, 2003). Nonprofit organization may be exempted from tax if the nonprofit organizations objectives are to promote social welfare. Government would intend to help those nonprofit organizations to minimize their costs through tax exemption. Therefore, donations given to nonprofit organizations are tax deductible (Glaeser, 2003). This is because government hopes that by doing so, nonprofit organizations would free from tax burden (Glaeser, 2003) and have more funds to be allocated to activities for the social welfare and helping the country to serve and develop the nations. Howe ver, nonprofit organizations will still being assessed for taxes for those that are not in the main organizations scope such as real estate tax and sales tax. Different in tax treatment for profit and nonprofit organizations have led to different accounting treatments for these two organizations. Furthermore, these tax benefits are at the heart of nonprofit status and these tax deductibility allows nonprofit organizations owes its strength and to be more compatible (Glaeser, 2003). Balance Sheet Every registered organization in Malaysia is required by regulations to prepare balance sheet at least once in a year. A balance sheet is a summary of an organizations accounts. It consists of assets (everything owned by organization), liabilities (everything owed by organization to others) and equity (everything owed to shareholders include both common and preferred stock). Balance sheet provides an overview to the statement users on the organizations financial position. Nonprofit organizations do not use balance sheet instead they are using statement of financial position in which current FRS has also required all the companies to change the term from balance sheet to statement of financial position in their annual report. Nonprofit organizations statement of financial position is only emphasized on the assets and liabilities of the organizations. As there are no owners, the statement of financial position of nonprofit organizations does not include equity part. Income Statement Beside balance sheet, profit organizations are also required to prepare income statement yearly. An income statement consists of organizations revenues, expenses, profits and losses. Income statement allows statement users to understand the financial performance of an organization on how the organization generates income and manages the operation and administration cost. The profit organizations value and share price will be affected by the result of assessment on income statement. On the other way round, nonprofit organizations do not produce income statement. Nonprofit organizations prepare a statement of activities for each quarter that shows the organizations revenue, expenses, plus net asset. 4.2 The Issues Faced by Nonprofit Organization It is always not an easy task to manage an organization especially a nonprofit organization. This is because there are many matters and issues need to be considered deeply before making decision for the operation of an organization. Once any significant terms are not taking into account, the decision made may lead the organization to poor condition, facing legal obligation and even liquidation. Therefore, it is important for a nonprofit organization to know about the issues that they need to deal with in order to come out with suitable solution that can lead the organization for continuous growth. The following are some issues that require further consideration. 4.2.1 Fundraising Funding is an important element for both profit and nonprofit organizations for sustain and survival (Werosh, 2008). This is because the operation and administration activities of an organization require fund to process. Without sufficient fund, many organizations especially nonprofit cannot maintain their operations to provide necessary services to our society (Werosh, 2008). As nonprofit organizations are not aimed to generate profit to the organizations, they obtain fund through fundraising activities in order to finance their operations and activities. However, due to the rapid growth of the number of nonprofit organizations in seeking the limited financial resources, the competition is increase intensively and cause nonprofit to be harder in achieving long term financial stability (Frumkin and Kim, 2001). Fundraising by nonprofit organization is challenging during the good economic condition and especially more challenging during economic downturn (Kurre, 2010). At the same time , the success of a nonprofit organization in raising fund will enable the growth of the organization and effective fundraiser will increase the networking and relation with donors. Thus, most of the nonprofit organizations now seek fundraising as the critical activities in their organization. However, this trend has become the concern of public on nonprofit organization as they worry that nonprofit organization may spend more resources on unproductive fundraising activities in order to attract more donations in which the used resources can otherwise be spent productively in delivering goods and services to public (Yurenka, 2007). People are concern with the focus of a nonprofit organization will be twisted when the organization is too emphasis on fundraising activities and neglect its main duties for the society. Undeniable the main purpose of a nonprofit organization is to provide goods and services that will fulfill the needs of society which will not be satisfied by other parties. At the same time, the important of fundraising activities cannot be denied as they actually act as the supplement or support for the organization to provide goods and services to meet societys needs. Therefore, both of them are remain equally important. The nonprofit organization is responsib le to balance itself among both of these efforts. Furthermore, the worried of more resources will be allocated to fundraising activities rather than to meet organizations objectives can be vanished. From several previous researches including research done by Yurenka (2007), they had shown that fundraising and donation tend to have a positive relationship. This means that the fundraising activities can generate more donations and eventually the expenditure of fundraising activities can be cover up by these additional donations. Therefore, there will be more fund can be utilized in order to achieve organizations objective to fulfill the needs of society. Fundraising expenses are only a small portion of donations received. Besides that, Yurenka (2007) have discovered that the demands for donation are downward sloping. This is because the more amounts the organization has to pay for a single donation, the fewer donations will be demand. Hence, a nonprofit organization will only search for the donations within the limit that the organiza tion can afford. Thus, a nonprofit will not continuing financing the fundraising activities till the main objectives of the organization be abandoned. Moreover, some nonprofit organizations are also facing problem in identifying suitable sources of funds in the fundraising activities for their organizations. This is because they are uncertain on which sources are more appropriate and more reliable to depend on. Some sources are reliable but not easy to obtain and difficult to maintain continuous funding. Some cannot be relied on but are able be obtained easily as long as fulfilling the requirements. Therefore, nonprofit organizations need to investigate and analyze carefully for the most suitable sources of funds for their organization to ensure their organizations sustainability. There are some common sources where the nonprofit organizations can obtain funding for their operation. Nonprofit organizations can collect fund from donors, grants, fee for service, special events and in kind donations. Donor Appeals Donor appeals are the main sources of fund for most of the nonprofit organizations. Therefore, it was found that nonprofit organizations tend to focus on donors motivation in their fundraising activities (Frumkin and Kim, 2001). It is very important for a nonprofit organization to identify the interested donors who care about the same things as the organization does and persuade them to donate or contribute to the organizations fund. Donor appeals can be taken in several alternatives like campaigns, direct mail solicitations, telemarketing, door to door distribution, direct response press advertisement and newsletter appeals. This path is easier compare to other alternatives in obtaining fund as donors can be found anywhere. However, it is also difficult to maintain the donation from one donor because this is influence by the donor management of the organization. Grants Grant is another important source of revenue for some nonprofit organizations. However, nonprofit organizations cannot rely too heavily on this source as it is not a stable financial resource. Besides, it is not easy for an organization to obtain a grant. The nonprofit organizations are required to compete with each other to win the willingness of foundations to fund their organizations. Sometimes, organizations even need to compete with each other intensively for only a limited fund. Therefore, there is no guarantee that the organizations will obtain fund successfully through this way. Hence, it is better for the nonprofit organizations to think out of other sources for fundraising rather than sole focus on this path. Fee for Services Some nonprofit organizations carry out some suitable fee-for-service arrangement in order to collect fund for their operations and activities. The funds can be obtained through collection of participation fee or registration fee for some campaigns and programs organized by the organizations. This method is easy to be operated but cannot be relied on as members participation cannot be guaranteed. Special Events Special events are another useful mechanism for raising fund by nonprofit organizations. This is because through special events, nonprofit organizations have the opportunity to get free advertising to attract more potential new donors. Events like banquets, parties and balls are organized and some individuals are invited to the events. Individuals would normally require to pay to attend the events and the payments would consider as the supports contributed to the organizations. The nonprofit organizations would usually invite their supporters to the events with the hope that they would invited or bring along potential new donors to this events and enable them to learn about the organizations objectives. In-Kind Donation Non-monetary donation can help the nonprofit organizations as well. The donation of goods and services by individuals or businesses can reduce the need of nonprofit organizations to purchase those products with cash reserves. Therefore, those saved money can be used for social welfare programs and activities and thus achieve the organizations objectives better. 4.2.2 Donors Management Even there are many ways in obtaining fund, nonprofit organizations are still facing great challenge in attracting the potential donors and maintain the existing donors. This is because the nonprofit organizations do not employed useful steps in acquiring and serving their donors. Some nonprofit organization lack of ability in creating attention and attract donors to finance them. Even they have successfully attract some donations, they loss the donations in later time due to their poor donors management. In the effort to attract donors, nonprofit organizations would need to know about the appropriate and effective ways to attract a donor. This is because donors are rarely come on their own instead of successfully being persuaded by the organizations. Therefore, in order to attract donors successfully, nonprofit organizations would first need to communicate with the donors about the organizations purposes and objectives. People would not simply donate to an organization based on ones saying. Donors intentions to donate to the organization are usually due to their belief on the organizations objectives and the ability to meet the objectives. The simplest way to inform them about these is by communication either orally or through documentation. The organizations need to tell about the organizations objectives, the ways on how the organizations achieve their goals and how successful the organizations can do. This is because donors will consider about the financial report of performance and financial information as important element to make their donation decision on which organization is to be supported (Zainon et al., 2011). Besides the financial elements, other non-financial factors such as the efficiency of the organization, the nature of activities and work carried out by the organization are also other important element to be considered for (Zainon et al., 2011). The information delivered is needed to be repeated frequently so that the audients or readers would remember them. Besides that, quality supporting materials are also needed to help to provide evidence on the saying and impress the donor. According to Zainon et al. (2011), based on the assessment of sufficient information on the organization, the willingness and decision to support the organization in the future will be made by donors. Therefore, nonprofit organization would need to provide and deliver adequate information to donors as the basis for their decision. Besides that, fundraising activities should be continue and carry on after a particular donation is received. In order to maintain donors to become a repeat and continuous donor, follow up actions after donation are very important. After the nonprofit organizations receive donations from donors, the organizations should at least convey their thanks in writing and send to the donors. Besides, personal contacts through phone or in person are necessary to the generous donor. This effort will cause the donors to feel their contributions to the organizations are being appreciated. Moreover, the organizations need to tell and inform the donors on how they spend the money. The purposes and impacts on the use of money needed to be explained to the donors to enable them to understand the entrusted money are used in the proper ways. The demonstration of donor implication enhance the donors confident toward the nonprofit organizations. Moreover, build a great and firm relationship between the nonprofit organizations and the donors is also take an important part. Donors usually do not like to just contribute to the organizations financial. They are likely to be more involved in the organizations and feel more connected to the organizations. As the donors feel being parts of the organizations, they are more willing and passionate in helping the organizations. Thus, personal contact with donors is necessary to discuss together about the organizations goals and future plans. Through better understanding on the organizations, donors would usually giving additional contributions to finance more activities in the organizations. Donor achievement recognition is additional effort to encourage the donors to increase their contribution. Like usual people, donors would be happy when they being recognized and being appreciated. Therefore many nonprofit organizations have classified their donors into various levels like silver, gold and platinum donors. This provides an opportunity to the donors to increase their levels and recognition through more funding. Appropriate recognition make donors feel their contribution is notified and taken care of by others. Thus, these enhance the relationship between the organization and its donors and ensure long run moral and financial support from the donors to the organization. 4.2.3 Ethic in Nonprofit Organization Nonprofit organizations are the agencies being entrusted to manage funds and donations from the donors. The purpose of their existence is fulfilling the social needs and promoting social welfare. In this context, the board members will act as the trustees, who have the legal duties to make use of these assets for accomplishing their organizations goals. In order to achieve objectives of the organization, capital is required to finance activities in the organization. Thus, different amount of funds are channeling from various paths, various sources and multiple locations to the organization for supporting organizations operation. The accumulated funds that reach to the organization are usually in a huge amount and can be million or billion dollars. At this moment, it becomes a great challenge to the members of the organization to be ethic in handling this great amount of asset. When associates with this huge amount of funds, the members of the organization have to ensure that they can behave in the truthful and honest manner. They have to prevent their greed to override their mind so that they would not cause unwanted event to happen. It is the responsibility of the members to ensure that they are ethic in all the games and make all their jobs transparent and ready for inspection at all time as they choose to be part of the nonprofit. It is very important for a nonprofit organization to be ethical. By being ethical and integrity allows the organization to earn trust of donors for more financial and moral support. This is because donors need to make sure that the nonprofit organization is using the resources for the proper purpose and is financially efficient in using and allocating the resources (Zainon et al., 2011). Donors will be more generous to donate to a trustable and good reputation organization with the belief that the organization will use their money properly in the correct way. Besides, the donors are also likely to reinvest and recommended to others an organization when the organization has shown that they can be believed on and accountable for their actions. Hence, nonprofit organization is responsible to manage the resources entrusted to them by means of accountability (Zainon et al., 2011). In addition to that, the most serious threat to nonprofit organizations is the disappointment of public confidence and betrayed of public trust. They can lead to very serious consequences to the organization and eventually liquidation. However, over the years, there are still so many cases about unethical behavior of the managing people in nonprofit organization are arisen. Those entrusted people have stepped down the trust putting on them by public at large for managing the fund as they misuse their authority for their self-interest. It is common to heard that those involve in the unethical issues are came from higher management of the nonprofit organization like chief executive and board of directors. Due to their high position in the organization, they can manipulate the money without realize by other members. Even worst in some organizations, all the members in the board make collusion to misappropriate the monies. Therefore, the integrity of the nonprofit organizations is very s ignificant. The organization itself should have some rules that would govern and guide the members in the organization so that they are working in the proper way and in accordance to the rules. Codes of ethic should be implemented in the work place to provide employees, volunteers and board members with guidelines for being ethical in conducting their works on behalf of the organization. Honesty, integrity, fair and truthful is the basis requirements to earn public trust. A code of ethics is then a tool to help the members to express these values in their works. Furthermore, inspections should be carried out periodically by authorized officers to check on the operation of the organizations and the activities of their members when associate with the assets of the organizations. Frequent checking will aware and remind the members to behave properly in their works on behalf of the organization as they are being guarded for every act they have done. Most importantly, every members of the organizatio n should have self-awareness, self-conscious and instill ethical values in their minds. As being an ethical person in jobs, the person will eventually be ethical in his or her living. 4.2.4 Litigation Being an organization which operates based on the public trust, nonprofit organizations need to understand the potential risk that will be faced by the organization and possible claim that will be made against the organization. There are several legal claims that have frequently troubles the nonprofit organizations. These claims are usually the lawsuits that related with the contract dispute, employment claims and personal injury. The lack of clear and specific regulations that spell out how should the nonprofit organizations operate and being managed have created a lot of argument and misunderstanding among various parties such as donor, public officer, members of organizations and others related parties. Therefore, nonprofit organizations need to obtain sufficient and useful information regarding those legal matters to enable them to perform better in dealing with these kinds of problems and prevent these problems to happen. Contract Dispute Among the common problems that result in lawsuit against a nonprofit organization, dispute over an agreements or contracts are most frequently happen. This is because contracts or agreements will often being made as transactions occur in every day. Transactions like hiring contractors, purchase of assets and the renting of business space for operation will require both parties to take and hire a legal binding contract. According to Pakroo (2011), a legal contract is created after the organization sign a lengthy document or just makes an oral agreement with a handshake. Once the contract or agreement exist, one party will probable being sued by another party for failing to fulfill the contract conditions or break of contract at any time. The party that being taken legal action of will usually be required to perform the duties or tasks that have been promised during making the mutual contract or in some situation paying a big sum of money damages to the other party to recover their los s. When the other contractual party has proven the existence of the agreements and the action of nonprofit organization had has that jeopardize the conditions in the contract, then the nonprofit organization will be in a deep trouble. While the lawsuit incur, nonprofit organization not only need to perform what they should be in breach of the contract, at the same time will face the doubt of losing its donors trust and confident toward the organization. This is because the donors may be dubious on the organizations management strategy, policies and ability to achieving the organizations objective and hence influence their future donation decision. Thus, it is better for a nonprofit organization to consider all the detail of the contract carefully before enter into a legal agreement or deal in order to safeguard itself from future unnecessary claims. The nonprofit organization should also anticipate with any single confusion or disagreement before they turn into worsen situation (Pak roo, 2011). Employment claim Employees are often the valued human capital to nonprofit organization. This is because beside helpful and contribute to the organization, employees in nonprofit organization often have more passion in their work and share common value for achieving organizations objective. Moreover, the employees work in nonprofit will usually realize on their duties that carry great responsibility to the society. However, nonprofit organization will also need to be especially careful when dealing with the employees because employees will also be one of the risks that will put the organization in danger position. Similar to the profit organization, the most common employment claims that faced by nonprofit organization are wrong termination, discrimination, wage and hour dispute and sexual harassment. Most of the employees especially nonprofit organizations employees are usually being hired at will, in which the employees can choose to leave or being dismissed by the employers at any time for any legal reason (Pakroo, 2011). Besides, the employment contract is often been made under the best interest for both parties. However, the recruitment will eventually lead nonprofit organizations into nightmare when wrongful termination lawsuit comes around. As profit organization, a nonprofit organization is not allow to terminate its employees without propel and legal reasons or else the employees can file a lawsuit against the organization (Pakroo, 2011). Termination due to the reasons of employees gender, race, religious and other protected characteristic are strictly prohibited. Other than that, in some termination, the employees will take advantages on the organization to earn up extra benefit before leaving the organization. Therefore, it is important for nonprofit organizations to wa tch out carefully and be detail in arranging the employment contract to prevent this kind of trouble in the future. In Malaysia, federal law has giving the protection to employees in order to protect them for not to being discriminated in their employment based on races, gender, religion, age, citizenship and physical health condition (Pakroo, 2011). Therefore, nonprofit organizations should be very careful in handling its workers in this multi ethic country. This is because a slight misstep may raise sensitive issue among different ethic and cause the organization to be claim for discrimination against the employees. Thus, the matters like hiring, firing, salary payment, job or shift assignment should be provided fairly among the employees based on their ability and the chances of promotions and training opportunity should be given to employees equally with no self-sided feeling. Moreover, wages and hours claim is another fundamental matter to deal with especially for nonprofit organizations where the wages paid to employees are already lower than other sectors. Therefore, the employees will tend to taken care of their well benefits more. In legal aspect, nonprofit organizations are also required to compile to the rule for rewarding their workers. Hence, nonprofit organizations are reminded to be extra cautious in classifying part time and full time workers, paying overtime wages and pay leave of their employees. Last but not least, sexual harassment is another type of employee-related claim that will put the nonprofit organization at risk. According to Pakroo (2011), sexual harassment is undesirable sexual conduct on the job that creates an unapproachable, unfriendly or offensive work environment for one or more employees. Quid pro quo which means deals, is one type of sexual harassment where a worker is asked to comply with some sex-based request or face negative consequences like termination, punishment or others. When the worker is scare of the negative consequence to happen, she will force to agree with the deal to safeguard herself from the negative consequences. In some situation, even though there is absence of such demands in the organization, sexual harassment litigation will still be created if the working environment creates an uncomfortable atmosphere to the other gender in which sexual jokes, pictures, allusions, or comments are allowed to continue in the organization. Therefore , as an entity that is responsible to protecting the social welfare, this kind of litigation is especially harmful to a nonprofit organization. This is because the nonprofit organization will fail to convince others about its roles in helping the nation and promoting social well-being if itself does not show the good and appropriate practices internally. Personal Injury Lawsuit Litigation about personal injury is no common but still potentially occurs in nonprofit organizations. As long as people are employed for work in nonprofit organization or people are around the nonprofit organization, then the organization will incur a risk of personal injury for these people. The injury claim not only cover up the physically injury but also including the financial loss incur, emotional distress or damage to others reputation. As far as any of these injuries occur, no matter it is happen intentionally or unintentionally, the nonprofit organization is still liable for the harm caused to other. The organization will need to compensate the people involved in the injury or their family financially. For instance, one of the workers in a nonprofit organization leaves a toolbox at the side on a table and a visitor comes and is hit by the tools which are dropped due to the sudden fallen of toolbox, then the visitors may filed a personal injury lawsuit against the nonprofit o rganization to recover his medical bills and compensate for his pain and suffering. Other than that, the untrue information reveal by a nonprofit organization unintentionally against someone may also cause the related person to file a lawsuit on the organization for ruining his or her reputation. Therefore, nonprofit organization should be extreme careful in every single things that it deals with in order to prevent the future unproductive obligation that will lead to the consumption of nonprofit organizations resources. 4.2.4 Restriction of Laws In most countries, nonprofit organizations would normally being encouraged and supported by their government. This is because nonprofit organizations have given big contribution in developing the nations. Their roles in promoting social welfare, enhance social stability and lessen social difficulty have built up better living to the people. However, even government has giving support to nonprofit organizations that promote social welfare, some laws and regulations may still be the obstacle for nonprofit in fully achieving their aims. States Law All states are governing by state government through state laws and these state laws are different for each state. Hence, nonprofit organizations have to obey the laws enacted in the state that they incorporated. In some states, the state laws have specifically required nonprofit organizations to show their accountability and transparency through fulfilling the requirements specified in the laws. For instance, nonprofit organizations need to register their organizations by following the conditions and have to conduct annual reporting according to standards. Besides, nonprofit organizations may have to disclose several documents to the public or make the documents available or accessible by the public online as mentioned in state laws to ensure their financial transparency. These requirements specified in state laws make the formation of a nonprofit organization harder. Moreover, nonprofit organizations may suffer for complicated accounting and reporting procedures as they need to inquire more steps and additional efforts in preparing their financial statements. The sophisticated process not only causes higher cost for disclosing their financial result and is time consuming for nonprofit to prepare their accounts. However, nonprofit organizations have to look into other perspective. Even though these strict requirements have caused burden to nonprofit organization, but through these legal requirements the accountability of nonprofit to donors can be improved and more disclosure of information to public can be achieved (Zainon et al., 2011). The transparency of a nonprofit organization may increase public trust and confidence toward the organization and thus improve the receipt of donation in the future. Although most of the state laws have required nonp rofit organizations to present themselves in most of the aspects, the state laws do not specifically require the nonprofit organizations to have code of ethic for their organizations which will be the most vital element for a nonprofit organization to ensure their integrity. Sarbanes Oxley Act 2002 Currently, one of the most influential laws that affecting nonprofit organizations is Sarbanes Oxley Act 2002, which strictly require the accountability of public listed organizations. The two influential provisions to nonprofit organizations are a) prohibition against destruction of documents that are tied to a criminal investigation and b) a prohibition of retaliation against whistleblowers. The following are some requirements of this act and are relevant to nonprofit organizations. Independent and Competent Audit Committee The Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires that every members of the organizations audit committee must be the members in board of directors, not involved in the organizations management and not receiving fee for auditing. One of the members in the audit committee has to be the financial expert. However, there are no standard requirements saying that nonprofit organizations should carry out full audit for their accounts. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the nonprofit organizations to consider whether to conduct audit to provide assurance for their financial statements through cost and benefit analysis. As the cost of audit is quite expensive, those affordable to conduct audit would normally the medium or large nonprofit organizations. For those nonprofit organizations that conduct annual audits, it is necessary for the board to ensure the independence of the audit committee. Besides that, it is important to make sure that the members of the committee have financial competency to understan d and evaluate the financial statements, audit the accounts and make suitable financial decision. The decision made should then be review periodically by the board. For those nonprofit who do not conduct audit, the boards have to establish at least the financial committees. Besides, they should at least choose a review for their financial statements or hire professional accountant to manage their financial statements. Responsibilities of Auditors As provided in Sarbanes-Oxley Act, all organizations include profit and nonprofit organizations should change their audit partner for every five years to ensure proper financial practices and prevent collusion among the organizations to counterfeit the accounts. Besides that, the nonprofits organizations should not employ the same auditing firm for undertaking other non-audit services such as bookkeeping, financial information systems, consultation, and other expert services on behalf of that organization. Moreover, the significant accounting policies and practices and discussion with management should be disclosed to organizations audit committee by the auditing firm. This will enable the committee to oversee the organization more effectively and provide higher transparency. Certified Financial Statements According to Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the chief executive officer (CEO) and the chief financial officer (CFO) must certify on the appropriateness of financial statements and fair presentation of the financial condition and operations of the company. They are liable for the certification and will be penalty for impropriate and false certification. This provision is to ensure that the members of the organizations will carry out their duties to ensure proper preparation of financial statements and check those statements for accuracy before publish them out. Likewise, a nonprofit organizations CEO and CFO should certify the financial statements. However, they will not liable for the accuracy of their financial statements. On the other way round, they sign-off to show they understand on the organizations financial condition. The CEO must acquire the knowledge related with the organizations field, excel in raising fund and equip with other related skills that will help him or her to understand the financial statements. If he or she lack of financial ability to do so, he or she must then hire a qualified personnel as CFO to assist this task. Even the CEO and CFO of nonprofit organizations do not liable for their certification on financial statements; their signs give assurance that they have checked the statements with due care and the statements are free from material misstatements. Beside financial statements, Form 990 or 990-PF is another important financial document to a nonprofit organization. This document must be filled completely and accurately, checked, reviewed, signed off and approved before sent to the related agency. Insider Transactions and Conflicts of Interest The Sarbanes-Oxley Act completely prohibits the insider transactions that involve loans to the organizations members. This is because it will usually generate further problems related with conflict of interest. Even nonprofit organizations do not have the practice to give loan to insiders; this provision is still applicable to nonprofit organizations to prevent any occurrence of this activity. If such loans are given, the nonprofit organizations must first receive the approval by the board and document the processes, values and terms of that loan clearly. Besides, the organizations must then have the conflict of interest policy with disclose to guide the board and members of the organizations for making decision independently. As nonprofit organizations financial transactions are highly controlled for transparency, insider transaction is strongly not recommended. Disclosure Even many of the requirements of Sarbanes-Oxley Act on the disclosure of organizations do not apply to nonprofit organizations; they are required to fill Forms 990 or 990-PF and make it available for access by everybody. The purpose of this law is to request nonprofit organizations to provide their donors, clients, public and others with a precise picture of their financial condition. However, the weakness of this law is that the form is usually not filled accurately and completely and is not received timely. This is due to lack of strict enforcement of this requirement and thus provides the opportunity to some organizations to play trick on this. Whistle-Blower Protection Sarbanes-Oxley Act provides new protections to whistle blowers and gives punishments to those taken action to whistle blower to prevent them to reveal the true. The protections apply not only to the whistle blowers job, safety and life; it also extends to the whistle blowers family when necessary. This provision applies to both profit and nonprofit organizations to prevent anyone in the organization to take action against other that unseal their mistake. As profit organizations, nonprofits should develop a formal procedure to handle employees complaint and avoid reprisal. The complaints must be taken into consideration seriously, being investigated, being justified and solved effectively. Moreover, a confidential mechanism must be developed to encourage those witness the irregulaties to make a report. This effort is to protect the person who reveals the true from any harm and punishment. At the same time, nonprofit organizations will start to protect themselves by eliminating any car eless and irresponsible practices that will be revealed by other. Through the protection of this Act that encourage disclose of improper conduct, the transparency and integrity of nonprofit organizations increase. Document Destruction According to Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the destruction which includes alter, cover up, falsify or destroy the litigation-related documents to prevent its use in an official proceeding is an offend. The Act gives great attention on document destruction and seems it as a process that must be monitored, justified, and carefully managed. Therefore, like profit organizations, nonprofit organizations also have to maintain appropriate records and documentations for their operations. The necessary documents include records for financial transactions, contract, fundraising obligations, employment file and others influential information. In order to prevent document destruction, nonprofit organizations should enforce their own policy to guide and regulate their members to ensure proper dealing with the documents. False documentations will be a serious crime to nonprofit organizations.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Top 8 Best Grad School Scholarships and Fellowships
Contrary to popular belief, a sky-high GPA is not the only way to obtain grad school scholarships. Every year, hundreds of students are awarded prestigious scholarships and fellowships that will fund their post-graduate studies partially or entirely, and not all of these students earned all A’s every time. Key Takeaways Prestigious national and international grad school scholarships include Fulbright, Rhodes, Truman, and the Marshall.Awards committees look for well-rounded individuals with clear, concise, and achievable goals.Whether or not you earn an award, the application process can be a useful tool for determining personal and professional goals. While academic merit is important, awards committees look for students that demonstrate leadership capability, participate in extracurricular activities, volunteer, and maintain a strong sense of self. In short, the key to earning one of these scholarships is to be a well-rounded person with a clear and achievable goal. The following is some information on the most prestigious scholarships and fellowships awarded to students on an annual basis to help you decide which scholarship is best for you. Fulbright U.S. Student Program Annual Deadline: Early to Mid-October, check website for exact date Launched in 1946 as a way to redirect post-war financial surplus to promote cross-cultural goodwill and understanding, the Fulbright U.S. Student Program now awards an estimated 2,000 grants annually to recent university graduates. Fulbright recipients use grants to pursue international post-graduate goals, including research projects, graduate education, and teaching. Placements are available in more than 140 countries around the world. Though only citizens of the United States may apply for the U.S. Student Program, the Fulbright Program offers opportunities for working professionals and international applicants, as well. Rhodes Scholarship Annual Deadline: First Wednesday of October The Rhodes Scholarship, established in 1902, provides full funding for students from the United States to pursue a post-graduate degree at the University of Oxford. As the oldest and arguably most prestigious international scholarship in the world, the competition for a Rhodes is exceptionally high. Applicants must first earn a nomination from their undergraduate university to be considered for the Rhodes. Out of a pool of 800-1,500 exceptional students, only 32 receive the award each year. Marshall Scholarship Annual Deadline: Early October, check website for exact date The Marshall Scholarship annually provides up to 50 high-achieving students from the United States the opportunity to pursue a post-graduate or doctoral degree at any institution in the United Kingdom. The award includes full funding of tuition, textbook expenses, room and board, research fees, and travel between the U.S. and the U.K. for the duration of the program of study, typically two years. The award can be extended to include a third year under certain circumstances. Barry Goldwater Scholarship Annual Deadline: Last Friday in January The Barry Goldwater Scholarship provides up to $7,500 to rising undergraduate juniors and seniors studying natural science, mathematics, or engineering who plan to pursue a career in research. Though not a grad school scholarship, many Goldwater recipients go on to receive prestigious academic awards for future studies, as the Goldwater indicates exemplary academic merit. Approximately 300 students receive the award annually. Students must be enrolled as full-time students in an accredited United State institution and hold at least sophomore status in order to be eligible. Applicants must be citizens of the United States, U.S. nationals, or permanent residents with the intent to become U.S. citizens. Students must be nominated by a Goldwater at their university. Harry S. Truman Scholarship Annual Deadline: First Tuesday in February Named after the 33rd president of the United States, the Truman Scholarship provides students planning on pursuing careers in public service with $30,000 to be used for graduate studies. The awards committee seeks students with strong leadership skills and a demonstrated background in public service. After completing degree programs, Truman recipients are required to work in public service for three to seven years. To receive a Truman Scholarship, students must first be nominated by faculty representative (or a faculty member willing to serve in this position) at their home university. Universities are only permitted to nominate four students each year, so larger or more academically rigorous universities might old internal competitions for qualifying students. Each year, over 600 students are nominated by their universities, and between 55 and 65 candidates are selected to receive the award. To be eligible, applicants must be United States citizens or nationals. National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Annual Deadline: Late October or Early November, check website for exact date The National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship provides a $34,000 stipend and $12,000 allowance for educational costs per year for up to three years to exceptional students pursuing research-based work in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology fields. The fellowship is the oldest scholarship program specifically for those pursuing STEM-related graduate degrees. To be eligible, students must be United States citizens, nationals, or permanent residents. The National Science Foundation strongly encourages under represented members of the scientific community, including women, minorities, and people of color, to apply for the fellowship. Awards are given in all research-based STEM fields, including psychology and social sciences, as well as hard sciences. George J. Mitchell Scholarship Annual Deadline: Late September, check website for exact date The George J. Mitchell Scholarship offers up to 12 United States students the opportunity to pursue a graduate degree at any institution in the Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland. The scholarship includes full tuition, housing costs, and a monthly stipend for the duration of one year. To be eligible, applicants must be United States citizens between 18 and 30 years old, and they must hold a bachelor’s degree before beginning the Mitchell Scholarship program. Churchill Scholarship Annual Deadline: Mid to Late October, check website for exact date The Churchill Scholarship provides 15 United States students with the opportunity to study for one year at the University of Cambridge’s Churchill College, the only STEM-focused college at Cambridge. The scholarship was established by Winston Churchill to promote scientific inquiry and exchange between the United States and the United Kingdom. Recipients of the award receive approximately $60,000, used to cover all tuition and fees, textbook expenses, accommodation, travel to and from the United States, and visa costs. Recipients are also eligible for an additional research stipend. To be eligible, students must be United States citizens, and they must be senior undergraduate students applying from a participating university. The complete list of participating universities can be found on the Churchill Scholarship website. In 2017, the Churchill Foundation launched the Kanders Churchill Scholarship in an attempt to bridge a growing gap between science and public policy. Citizenship requirements for the Kanders Churchill Scholarship remain the same, but applicants may apply from any university in the United States, so long as they hold a bachelor’s degree in a STEM field. Kanders Churchill Scholarship recipients will attend Churchill College while pursuing a Master’s in Public Policy. Application Tips and Tricks These awards are prestigious and highly sought after for a reason. The application processes can take months or even years to complete from start to finish, and the competition is tough. Here are a few tips to help guide you through the sometimes daunting search for grad school scholarships. Find your focus Don’t waste your time submitting rushed or unfocused applications. Instead, do your research, and determine which grad school scholarship is best for you. Focus your time and effort on making that application stand out. Ask for Help Many universities have started to employ full-time staff specifically to help students with post-graduate scholarship and fellowship applications. Even if your university doesn’t have this kind of staff available, you can search through your department for any professors or alumni that received prestigious awards and ask them for advice or mentorship. Utilize free university resources. A school writing center can help you focus your ideas, while a resume workshop can help you polish up your list of accomplishments. Use the Process Remember, even if you aren’t chosen as a recipient, the application process for any of these awards can be a fulfilling experience that helps you identify your future goals. Treat it as a tool and get as much out of it as you can.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Correlation Between The Locations Of Known Gang Members...
Research Question Is there a spatial relationship between the locations of known gang members and drug violations? Analysis It is expected, based on social disorganization theory, that census tracts with high concentrations of gang members will also be high in disorganization. As seen in figure 1 this will be established by creating a contour line hot spot of gang member locations and drug violations overlaid on a map showing social disorganization. Social disorganization will be based on low education levels and high unemployment rates, which are generally accepted measurements of disorganized neighborhoods (see Gottfredson, Mcneil Gottfredson, 1991; Teasdale, Clark Hinkle, 2012). The map clearly shows that gang members live in†¦show more content†¦However, we know that gangs do form in areas that are already high in crime and according to one study they may not further increase crime in those areas but they do lead to a clustering of drug offenses (Tita Ridgeway, 2007). Therefore, a cluster and outlier analysis (Anselin Local Morans I) was conducted to determine if there is signific ant clustering in gang related areas. Seen in figure 3, drug violations are clustered in the areas around known gang member locations. Based on journey to crime and routine activities a central feature analysis was done to further explore if gang member locations are associated with drug violation locations. Euclidean distance was utilized for this analysis as gang members do not travel large distances and therefore are most likely on foot and not restricted to roadways. Central feature was selected over mean center as gang members are more likely to work out of their homes than any other offenders (Eck Gersh, 2000) so it was likely the central offense would be very close or near the home of a known gang member. When broken down by year the central features were stacked on top of each other with only the slightest variation as can be seen in figure 4. Finally, a buffer will be placed around gang member locations to determine which drug violations are likely related to their gang (f igure 5). The buffer was set at 250ft as drug dealers generally have a limited journey to crime. Approximately 25%
Essay about The Power of Peer Pressure - 906 Words
Society is an intricate system that entails numerous factors to an individual’s growth as a person. These factors can range from simplistic to complex; a child’s upbringing in a particular neighborhood to a person determining a meticulous career. Both of those situations adhere to the ideology of human interaction and communication. Human interaction and communication can lead to events that place humans in the midst of peer pressure; this idea of peer pressure will play a contributing part for all humans and certainly can override a person’s moral beliefs. To ascertain the strength of peer pressure on humans, numerous experiments were conducted that placed humans in undesirable situations along with historical events that†¦show more content†¦The teachers were then ordered by the experimenter to continue with it and explained to the teachers they would not be held responsible for it. The screams of the learners (recorded tape), responsibility, and pe er pressure all influenced the teachers actions whether to continue with the experiment or quit. The results came back conclusive on the behalf of peer pressure. In Milgram’s first set of experiments, 65% of participants administered the strongest voltage shock (450), although many were not comfortable in doing so. At one point, every single participant in the experiment paused and inquired about why the learners were being shocked for this, but many continued once informed that the testing was acceptable. Clearly the peer pressure associated with the test is a huge indication to why the participants would continue with it. The pressure the experimenter placed on the participants was far too overwhelming for the participant’s moral beliefs. As an individual, moral rights differ from one to the next, but one common morality trait for most people is not inflicting pain on an innocent person. 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Influence of Organizational Culture on Leadership Style
Question: Discuss about the Influence of Organizational Culture on Leadership Style. Answer: Introduction: The substantial amount of the empirical research deals with how leadership is culturally contingent. The main purpose of this research is to show the linkage between the inter-cultural relationship and the leadership effectiveness to present the innovative business enterprise, which are the core fundamentals in the competitive business environment. According to Goetsch and Davis (2014), organizational cultures are significantly correlated with leadership behavior and encouraging leadership behavior, thus impacts on job satisfaction. According to Tannenbaum, Weschler and Massarik (2013), leadership style is a key determinant of the success or failure of any corporations. However, these style of leadership is varied with the culture because it is all mount managing ability of a group of people and in order for employees to function and succeed, it is essential they understand and believe in the culture. In most of the situation prevailing culture affects the leadership ability to get t hings done. On the other hand, culture plays a significant role in order to function internationally and in that context, the importance of cultural awareness and knowledge becomes a crucial issue. To perform effectively, leaders must work out what values of the business are, what behavior is acceptable, what the common attributes are and finally which of these will have impacts on leadership. In this research, therefore, the chosen topic of the discussion is the influence of organizational culture on the style of the leadership. In this section, the researcher will discuss the research topic and background of the research understanding. Based on the significance of the research topic, the researcher will develop the research aim, objectives and questions. Discussing all these points, the researcher will acquire a greater knowledge of cultural patterns and an understanding and awareness of such factors, which may be considered as an essential attributes for all leaders. Signification of the research topic: The perception of the leadership style is completely depends on the organizational patters, norms, values and behavior (Moran, Abramson and Moran 2014). Therefore, the potential application of an appropriate leadership styles is definitely a sensitive element of the business. In other words, an analysis of factors influencing the effectiveness of leadership in various cultures is a precious issue, both for the researcher and businessmen alike. By the investigation of the research topic, this study may contribute to improvement to leadership perceptiveness in domestic as well as cross-border organization by using review of this literature, interviews, sampling. Asrar-ul-Haq and Kuchinke (2016), however, argues with the fact that the culture and the style of leadership are two sides of the same coin; neither can really be understood in isolation without reference to the other. They are inextricably linked. On the other hand, diverse organizational culture at the international business tend to influence leaders to operate differently because a group of people is coming from different cultural backgrounds, attitudes, behavior and norms. Therefore, wide-cultural understanding needs to be considered while taking any crucial business decision. Hence, this can be concluded that the chosen topic of the discussion is quite justifiable and relevant for all managers. Background of the Research The concept of the culture of the organization is one of the complex issues in the workplace which lacking formally agreed upon definitions and scope (Storey 2016). Before managing the situation, managers need to have a clear understanding about these contextual variables within the workplace. In this context, the fundamental issues concerning the concept of culture of the organization arise at the time of establishment of linkages among leadership, culture and performance (Schneider et al. 2016). However, managers need to work on suitable model of leadership that can apply to different culture in order to access the impacts of culture on leadership. Evidence suggests that leadership is present in all cultures. However, differing leadership styles from country to country is the most challenging part for the manager as well as the business itself because attributes of leadership are culturally determined (Blenkinsopp and Snowden 2016). Research Aim and objective: The aim of the research study is to evaluate the influence of the organizational pattern, norms, behavior on the style of the leadership in national and international organizations. In this context, the objectives of the research are as follows: To know about the details of the organizational culture for facilitating different layers of the leaderships To examine the inter-relationship between culture of the organization and the appropriate style of leadership To understand the organizational challenges in terms of handling leaderships under cross cultural environment of the organization To improve the organizational interfaces by facilitating an appropriate leadership styles of leaders Research Question What features are being required to perform in the leadership role in cross cultural environment of an organization? What cultural factors are significant for leadership effectiveness within an organization? What kind of relationship exists between firms innovative behavior and organizational leadership style? How do cross cultural challenges impacts on leadership and organizational practices? How does cultural-driven organization improve leadership capabilities? Methodology of the Research: In this section, the researcher has followed a systematic approach for conducting the research. Here the researcher has applied several tools and techniques and further draw on a variety of both quantitative and qualitative research methods, including the survey process, participative observation and secondary data. By the method of qualitative method, the research aims at detailed description of observations such as the context of circumstances and events. On the other hand, using quantitative method, the researcher will form an opinion based on the results of testing hypothesis and explain observations. In this research, the researcher will follow both primary and secondary research. Under the primary research, this study will examine both the qualitative and quantitative research method. Under the qualitative method, the interview will be conducted. In that context, the key professionals of different organizations will be participated. Here the research will get a direction about the research topic after evaluating the corresponding responses of the selected respondents. On the other hand, the survey questionnaires will be conducted for getting responses from the employees of organizations. Research Process: This research starts with selection of the research area. It will analyze the relevance of the research topic. Based on the research topic, the researcher will formulate the research aim, objectives and developing research questions for maintaining that into the methodology chapter. However, the researcher will follow a structural approach during the process of methodology. In the next process, the researcher will conduct the research review. After that the researcher will evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of selected data and analyze for getting the best results in the data collection and analysis. In the final process, the researcher will conclude the research, which will definitely justify the research aims and objectives which have been achieved. Research Outline: The research needs to be conducted with systematic procedure maintaining the specific time. In the first chapter the research topic will be identified based on the essentiality and the significance of the research topic. In the second chapter, the researcher will conduct an extensive study of the literature for better understanding the research topic. The selected methodology will be designed in the third chapter by the suing suitable research tools and techniques. In the forth chapter, the researcher will collect the relevant data and critically analysis the identified such information for forming a conclusion. In the last section, the researcher will be able to conclude the research and provide the future guidelines to facilitate the better culture of the organization for ensuring leadership effectiveness. Figure 1: Research outline (Source: Created by author) Literature Review Management Summary The literature review helps in understanding the research topic and provides a vast knowledge to the researcher on the topic. The literature review helps in understanding the founding of the previous research and this directs the researcher an accurate way to research further. Introduction to Literature Review The research topic of this study is Influence of Organizational Culture on Leadership Style. The aims of this research study are to analyze the cultural factors that are significant for leadership, to analyze the relationship that exists between organizational style and firms innovative behavior and to analyze cross-cultural challenges. It also aims to improve leadership capabilities and to analyze the features of leadership. Therefore, in order to analyze the hypotheses - suitable leadership styles are necessary for improvement of organizational culture, the leadership styles influence the organizational culture, proper organizational culture and leadership style develops a healthy working environment and inaccurate leadership style and organizational culture is responsible for diminishing work culture, this literature review has been performed. It has been performed on improvement of organizational culture through suitable leadership styles, leadership versus culture, advantages a nd disadvantages of leadership styles and organizational culture. Improvement of the Organizational Culture through Suitable Leadership Style of Leaders Opined to Rijal, (2016), the leaders of an organization have a major effect on the culture of the organization. The leaders are the person who bring in and maintain the discipline within an organization. This individual is also responsible for restoring the value of an organization. Nevertheless, Janicijevic (2011) stated that along with the role of the leaders, the role of the employees within an organization is also an equally important factor. The reason behind this is that the employees of an organization are required to follow the path of their respective leaders depending on the department and they also try to some activities by assuming their leaders as the key role model. It is a common factor that the larger organizations have larger numbers of employees who are working for the organization. Therefore, it is more important for the larger firms to maintain a good organizational culture in order to maintain a good relationship between the employees and to reduce the organizati onal conflict in order to run the business successfully. Opined to Mondy and Mondy (2012), it has been found that handling a bigger organization under the supervision of an individual leader is much difficult, therefore, the leaders are opt for hierarchical order. Muchtar and Qamariah (2014) stated that on the basis of the hierarchy, solution to this problem can be solved. The most suitable solution is that the organization should implement a superior official for guiding and monitoring the assistant leaders under them. It has been found that finally these assistants would have more employees under them in order to rule over the existing numbers of staffs under them. Therefore, it can be said that the organization culture is entirely dependent upon the nature, behavior and motive of the superior official. The reason behind this is that the others follow the legacy that the mentioned superior official allows do their assistants and finally the similar cultural values what follow. H0: Suitable leadership styles do not necessary for improvement of organizational culture H1: Suitable leadership styles are necessary for improvement of organizational culture. The leaders are the key personnel of an organization depending on whose decision and leadership style an organization is regulated and maintained. Therefore, it might have both positive and negative effects based on the leadership styles of the leaders. In addition to this it can also be said that the organizational culture has a great influence on the leadership style. Thus, I can conclude that the improvement of the organizational culture depends on the leadership styles of the leader. Leadership versus Culture As rightly stated by Wilton (2013), the organization culture is highly dependent on the style of leadership that prevails within an organization. Opined to Muchtar and Qamariah (2014), the organizational culture is the set of regulations and rules that are imposed by the organization on a group and that have worked well within the firm in order to run the business successfully. Therefore, the organizational culture is considered as the most proven methodology that is implemented within the particular organization in order to run the business profitably and systematically. Nevertheless, Werner, Schuler and Jackson (2012) suggested that there are various types of leadership styles which the leader of an organization follows and accordingly each of the leadership style has a great influence in shaping and toning the organizational culture. Therefore, it can be said that each of the leadership style has an important impact on the culture of the organization. Thus, Sung Jun Jo and Joo (20 11) stated that without adopting a proper leadership style or without implementing a proper guidance of an effective leader, a set of organizational culture cannot be maintained within an organization. There are mainly three types of leadership styles depending upon which the organizational culture varies, these are as follows: Autocratic Leadership Style According to Werner, Schuler and Jackson (2012), most of the leaders prefer to adopt the autocratic leadership style in order to run the business smoothly, as this type of leaders do not believe in considering the opinions of the staffs of the organization in making any company-related decision. The main cause for this is that the senior leaders consider the decisions of the junior employees as absurd. The other reasons include an organization that is completely self-oriented and run by considering the advantages of the organization and not of the staffs. Opined to Smith (2015), the leaders prefer the autocratic leadership style because in this style the decision can be taken fast by an individual rather than keeping any option of taking opinion of any second party that might lead to confusions. Therefore, the decision of an autocratic leader is considered as more stable and reliable than others. According to the study of Rijal (2016), it has been found that most of the firms belief in this particular method of decision making. Therefore, the autocratic leadership style is in great demand where the employees might not be satisfied with the particular leadership style but the firm will absolutely be the beneficiary from it. Participative Leadership Style The leaders under the participative leadership style follow a totally different concept in comparison to the autocratic leadership style. Opined to OÃÅ'ˆzbilgin, Groutsis and Harvey (2014), the leaders of participative leadership style prefer involvement of feedbacks and suggestions of the employees before making any decision and thus this style is also known as democratic leadership style. As per Salahuddin (2011), the motive of this type of leaders is to utilize the maximum ideas with the aim to improve the organizational functioning quality and therefore, it is counted as the best leadership style, which every organization should follow. Mondy and Mondy (2012) stated that though the particular leadership style has various advantages, it might lead to slow decision making due to involvement of several employees while taking any company-related decision and thus the performance of the organization can be affected adversely. Laissez-faire Leadership Style According to Lawler and Boudreau (2012), the leaders who follow the Laissez-faire leadership style can rarely make any decisions by themselves and thus this type of leadership style is counted as the most ineffective method of leadership. Opined to OÃÅ'ˆzbilgin, Groutsis and Harvey (2014), this type of leaders generally assigns their own work to the other members of the organization or the group and the authority for making any decision is allocated to some other officials. Muchtar and Qamariah (2014) have discussed that the leaders do not take their decision on their own but are depended on their subordinates for similar cause. Therefore, in case of Laissez-faire leadership style, confusion among the group members might occur. Figure 2: Leadership Style (Source: Lawler and Boudreau 2012) H0: The leadership styles do not influence the organizational culture H2: The leadership styles influence the organizational culture. It has been founded that the various leadership styles have various positive and negative impact on the culture of organization. It has been noted that the Laissez-faire leadership style has a negative and confusing impact on the organizational culture. On the other hand, the participative or democratic leadership style has a very positive impact on the culture of the organization. Therefore, I can conclude that the leadership styles play a vital role in the organizational culture. Advantages of Organizational Culture and Leadership Style Opined to Lawler and Boudreau (2012), the organizational culture is the set of regulations and rules that the leaders of an organization establish for the disciplined and proper functioning of the firm. From years, the organizational culture would be adapted and followed by the staffs and would be transferred to other staffs. Nevertheless, Janicijevic (2011) stated that culture is the instruction or belief that can guide the staffs in a proper direction and can help the employees regarding the steps they should avoid or they should accept. But the organizational culture mainly depends on the types of leadership style. The organizational culture is composed of together strong values, beliefs and behaviors. As per Ivancevich and Konopaske (2013), it is likewise important that the organizations leaders appreciate the cultural behavior of the specified firm and thus it sets the benchmark for the employees of the future. This will resulted into proper functioning of the organization and t he unity among the employees might be developed that will finally lead to a health working environment. Ho: Proper organizational culture and leadership style does not develop a healthy working environment. H3: Proper organizational culture and leadership style develops a healthy working environment. It has been found that the organizational culture depends on the leadership style of the leaders and the proper organizational culture and suitable style of leadership helps in developing a healthy working environment. It has also been noted that the management and the administration has the most important role in developing good culture in an organization. Therefore, I can conclude that the leadership style has a great impact on the organizational culture and thus proper leadership style and organizational culture is necessary for developing a healthy working environment. Disadvantages of Organizational Culture and Leadership Style The job satisfaction is a dependable factor that totally depends on the organizational culture and the working atmosphere of an organization. Opined to Erkutlu (2011), the good behavior of the employer to their employees and understanding their needs make the employees more trustworthy and loyal to the organization. Therefore, considering the opinion of the subordinates before making any work-related decision is an essential factor for the leaders as this democratic style of leadership creates a good relationship between the leader and the staffs. According to Dowling, Festing and Engle (2013), a supportive leader always considers the demands and needs of the employees and tries for reliable way in order to find any solution or fulfill their demands in an effective manner. Dessler (2013) stated that this helps in reducing organizational conflicts that leads to a successful functioning of the organization. These leaders prefer sharing of the values with the employees of the organizati on and thus fleeting the legacy from years to others. Opined to Burns (2012), this particular type of leaders are often found to be successful in their decisions and are mostly valued and supported by each of the staffs of the organization. The reason behind this is the unity among the group members. However, it has been found from the study of Bohlander and Snell (2013), that the relationship between the employees and hierarchical leaders has been regularly hypothetically proposed. Banfield and Kay (2012) stated that the association grasps the positive standards at the time of examining by the leader. It has been found that associations having valuable social instructions are much at risk in order to motivate regulating binds and high passionate to their representatives. Moreover, it has also been found that the employees who credit a valuable introduction to their organization are compelled to see the peril of leaving the firm are high. H0: Inaccurate leadership style and organizational culture does not responsible for diminishing work culture. H4: Inaccurate leadership style and organizational culture is responsible for diminishing work culture. The work culture and the organizational culture fully depend on the leadership style. Thus, the implementation of inappropriate leadership style might affect the organizational culture. Therefore, I can conclude that the leadership style and the organizational culture have also some disadvantages that might affect the working environment adversely. Thus, implementation of accurate leadership style is necessary for running an organization successfully. Conclusion to Literature Review Therefore, it can be concluded from the above study that the leadership style is the main factor depending upon which the culture of an organization sustains. Thus, a good leader or a good leadership style is an essential factor for the growth of an organization. It has been found that both the factors leadership style and organizational culture have both positive and negative aspects. However, for running the business successfully, appropriate leader, leadership style should be implemented in order to maintain a healthy organizational culture and working environment. Data Collection, Methodology, and Analysis Introduction to Data Collection and Analysis: Data collection can be categorized into two sections including primary and secondary data collection. Secondary data indicates the particular type of data that has already been published in books, journals, newspaper magazines, and online portals (Mackey and Gass 2015). Secondary data allows the researcher to accumulate the data on the topic. With the involvement of the secondary data, the researcher can highlight the rationale of the topic through different theoretical approaches. However, secondary data may not be able to provide updated data and information on the research topic. The secondary data facilitates the researcher to employ previous data in the literature review section (Taylor, Bogdan and DeVault 2015). Hence, it can be assessed that the secondary data enhances the validity and reliability of the research in an efficient manner. In this context, the researcher includes the secondary data for enhancing the information in the literature review section. Moreover, the seco ndary data has facilitated the researcher to evaluate the rationale of the topic of organizational culture and its impacts on the leadership style. On the other hand, the primary data collection process indicates the proper method for accumulating information on a particular research topic. Through the engagement of the primary data collection method, the researcher can easily obtain updated information on the topic (Brinkmann 2014). Primary data collection process can be categorized into two sections including quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative data collection method is based on the several statistical calculations in different formats. In the quantitative method, the researcher includes several questionnaires. Moreover, it involves methods of correlation and regression analysis for enhancing the data analysis process. Several statistical analysis including mean, median, mode and standard deviation indicate an integral part of the quantitative data analysis (Silverman 2016). With the involvement of the mathematical analysis, the quantitative method facilitates the researcher to evaluate the factors of the research topic . On the other hand, the qualitative method facilitates the researcher to analyze the topic with broader aspects. The researcher includes interviews, open-ended questions, focus groups, observation and case study, etc. for engaging the qualitative process in the research (Panneerselvam 2014). In this context, the researcher includes both quantitative and qualitative data collection method for investigating the research topic in an effective method. Qualitative data provides an in-depth discussion of the research topic, whereas quantitative data provides enhanced mathematical calculation, which increases the data validity. Figure 3: Data Collection (Source: Neuman and Robson 2012) Data sampling method Data sampling can be categorized into two sections including probability and non-probability sampling technique. Probability sampling technique includes the random sampling that reduces the bias from the research (Flick 2015). With the engagement of the probability sampling technique, the researcher can identify respondents and participants for accumulating data and information on the particular research topic. Random sampling often includes the cluster sampling, systematic sampling and multi-stage sampling (Neuman and Robson 2012). On the other hand, the non-random sampling allows the researcher to identify the respondents based on the research topic. Although the non-random sampling includes high reliability of the data, it is also responsible for creating bias in the data collection process (Smith 2015). With the involvement of the non-random sampling method, the researcher may engage key professionals for accumulating data. On the contrary, the particular sampling method is a time-consumable process. In this context, the researcher includes the probability sampling method for investigating the research topic in an efficient manner. The researcher has engaged 75 employees of an organization to accumulate the quantitative data. The researcher includes survey questionnaires for the respondents. The researcher employs the online platforms including FaceBook, Twitter, and Skype for accumulating the survey feedbacks from the identified respondents. On the other hand, the researcher will identify 5 key professionals of the organization to gather the qualitative data. In the qualitative method, the researcher arranges a personal interview for the participants. Moreover, the researcher has provided 25-30 minutes timeframe to the participants for discussing each question. Hence, it can be assessed that the both qualitative and quantitative data allow the researcher to test the hypothesis. The sampling method will be conducted based on the probability sampling technique. At the initial stage, the researcher will distribute survey forms to 100 respondents for accumulating the quantitative data. However, the researcher selects 75 respondents out of that 100 for the data accumulation. On the other hand, the researcher includes 5 key professionals of the organization to accumulate the qualitative data on the research topic. The selection of participants will be conducted based on the random sampling, as it facilitates the researcher to diminish bias from the research (Pickard 2012). The researcher will engage both qualitative and quantitative data for the investigation. Hence, the researcher can guarantee 90% accuracy level for the particular research project. The mathematical analysis in the quantitative method allows the researcher to enhance accuracy level. Moreover, the researcher includes an interview session with the key professionals of the organization in order to engage detailed discussion on the research topic (Bauer 2014). On the other hand, data accuracy level depends on the feedbacks and responses provided by the respondents and participants respectively. Figure 4: Sampling method (Source: Anfara and Mertz 2014) Data analysis: Data analysis can be divided into two parts including quantitative and qualitative analysis. Quantitative data analysis includes several statistical investigations on the research topic (Wahyuni 2012). It involves survey questionnaires for the respondents. On the other hand, the qualitative data analysis indicates in-depth analysis of the research topic. In the qualitative analysis, the researcher may include the interviews, focus groups, experiments (Anfara and Mertz 2014). Hence, it can be assessed that both quantitative and qualitative analyses facilitate the researcher to achieve the aims and objectives of the research in an effective manner. In this context, the researcher will involve an analytical and statistical process for investigating the research topic. In the particular research, the researcher will involve the quantitative analysis, which includes several statistical analyses. The researcher will be able to enhance the research quality with the involvement of statistical analysis including mean, median, mode and standard deviation (Groenewold and Lessard-Phillips 2012). On the other hand, correlation and regression analysis facilitates the researcher to evaluate the rationale of the research topic in an effective manner. Statistical analysis will facilitate the researcher to make a decision on the particular research. The researcher includes both quantitative and qualitative data analysis for investigating the research topic in a detailed approach. The analytical and statistical methods included in the quantitative analysis will facilitate the researcher to accepts or reject the hypothesis (Gioia, Corley and Hamilton 2013). The quantitative method or the statistical analysis will facilitate the researcher for hypothesis testing as the statistical analysis process plays an important role in the decision-making process (Novikov and Novikov 2013). With the engagement of the statistical analytical method, the researcher will accept the alternative hypothesis and rejects the null hypothesis. On the other hand, the statistical mean value will facilitate the researcher to identify the exact answer to the research questions. However, the researcher may face some difficulties for including the statistical values. For example, the researcher needs to invest log timeline for evaluating the median value (Skin ner 2015). Hence, it can be assessed statistical analysis will be the appropriate selection for accepting or rejecting the hypothesis. Figure 5: Data techniques (Source: Anfara and Mertz 2014) Conclusion to Data Collection and Analysis: It can be concluded that the data collection and analysis play an integral part of the research projects. Without involving the data collection process, the researcher is unable to understand the current market situation. The researcher includes both primary and secondary data for the enhancement of the research analysis. The secondary data allow the researcher to collect previously published data and information on the particular topic, whereas the primary data provides a huge amount of reliable information on the particular research topic based on the current market situation. Unlike secondary data, primary data includes quantitative and qualitative method. Although the researcher utilizes both quantitative and qualitative method, quantitative analysis will facilitate the researcher to implement statistical investigation allowing decision-making in the research. In this context, both qualitative and quantitative analysis provides adequate opportunity to the researcher to analyze the research questions. The researcher includes different data analysis tools and techniques for investigating the topic of the influence of organizational culture on the leadership style. The feedback of the respondents will facilitate the researcher to evaluate the challenges of leaders upholding a particular leadership style in the organization. On the other hand, the key professionals of the selected organization will provide the detailed discussion on the impact of organizational culture on different leadership style. With the involvement of survey questionnaires and personal interview, the researcher will be able to identify the rationale of the research topic in an effective manner. The research questions identify the challenges and impact of the organizational culture on the different leadership style. Quantitative analysis will provide the researcher to obtain feedbacks of the respondents on the leadership style. Consequently, it will facilitate the researcher to identify the appropriate leadership style that motivates employees for providing enhanced performance in the business. On the other hand, the researcher will ask key professionals or participants to highlight the importance of organizational culture to adopt a particular leadership style in the business. Moreover, the researcher includes a research question for providing recommendations to get rid of the leadership issues out of the business. Hence, the selected key professionals will suggest an appropriate method to diminish different challenges lies in the organizational culture and its impact on leadership style. Discussion on Hypothesis: In this section, the researcher will discuss the hypothesis, which is already discussed in the literature section. Here the researcher will analyze whether the selected research hypothesis are relevant to the research topic or not. H1: Suitable leadership styles are necessary for improvement of organizational culture The null hypothesis is not being selected because the purpose of the leadership is to create a culture where firms innovating behavior will be flourished. Thus, the culture reflects the ethics of the leaders who run them. Therefore, positive cultural pattern of the organization is favorable for developing the transformational leadership theory within the workplace. In this way, the above mentioned hypothesis is justified and selected for ensuring the improvement of the culture of the firm. H2: The leadership styles influence the organizational culture Leadership style has remarkable effects on not only in national organizations but also international corporations. For instance, Wesfarmers, one of the top diversified Australian companies, has successfully managed different culturally enriched people who work under the positive and encouraging work culture of the company (Sattayaraksa and Boon-itt 2016). The organization has followed the participative leadership styles where the management accepts inputs from individual staff members in their decision-making. This provides the justification of the above hypothesis. H3: Proper organizational culture and leadership style develops a healthy working environment. Organizational culture is a system of shared attitudes and beliefs that develop within the organization. By every leadership style, individual capabilities of managing people are tested and ensured the proper organizational culture. The favorable organizational culture always motivates and encourages employees to perform better. Therefore, the corporate culture has a major impact on the performance of the firm and especially on the quality of the work life experienced by employees. An effective leadership must follow the values, norms, beliefs and rules of conduct of a corporation as well as style of the management, priorities, and inter-personal behaviors. Thus, the researcher must reject the null hypothesis and accept the above hypothesis for developing a healthy working environment. H4: Inaccurate leadership style and organizational culture is responsible for diminishing work culture An ineffective leadership style hampers individual performance of team members (Tannenbaum Weschler and Massarik 2013). For instance, the Laissez- faire leadership style hardly makes any decisions by themselves and thus this type leadership is considered the most ineffective leadership style of the organization, which is responsible for diminishing work culture. Discussion on literature and research results: By the above data analysis, this can be stated that literature about the culture-driven leadership is important for enhancing the individual performance effectiveness within the organization. The discussed literature suggests that organization needs to follow the transformational leadership style for developing the healthy work culture and transparent decision making process at each level of the organization. Here culture will create four distinct methods in a organization: The behaviors and actions of leaders Paying attention of leaders Gets rewards as well as punishments Effective allocation and attentive resource collection Figure 6: Steps of effective creation of Culture (Source: Created by Author) In this way, the effective culture of the organization will be created and ensured the effectiveness of leadership Recommendation: Discussing all the above literature about the cultural impacts on leadership style, the following recommendation is made as follows: Leader must understand the basics of the organizational interfaces including values, beliefs, norms, and patterns of the organization. This will help leader to manage a group of people who are following those organizational variables. In other words, leaders must deliver positive attitudes, which definitely motivate individual performances. Secondly, leaders must be able to inspire organizational members to go beyond their task requirement. It is only possible if concepts of leadership accept a specific leadership model for a particular organization because every organization has individual culture within it. Here it is recommended to apply the transformational leadership style for establishing an effective organizational culture. Figure 7: Model of transformational leadership (Source: Garca-Morales, Jimnez-Barrionuevo and Gutirrez-Gutirrez 2012) Conclusion and Future work It can be concluded that the organizational culture influences the leaders to implement a particular leadership style at the workplace. The implementation of the leadership style depends on the aims and objectives of the business. By conducting the data collection and analysis, it can be assessed that the leadership style plays an important role in the business, as it facilitates the management to understand organizational growth on the global platform. In the survey questionnaires, most of the respondents have identified the key issues in the leadership style. Respondents have evaluated that autocratic leadership style often creates difficulties for them to execute the work in an efficient manner. On the other hand, most of the respondents have suggested that the participative leadership style allows them to provide feedback on the particular cases. Key professionals of the organization highlight the importance of the organizational culture on the leadership style. Most of the participant highlights the fact that autocratic leadership style plays an important role to uphold a particular workflow design at the workplace. Consequently, it facilitates the organization to maintain a certain culture in the business. Future work: The researcher can employ more information and data for enhancing the quality of the research work. Consequently, it will provide the future references to the study. However, the researcher needs to identify the rationale of the research topic in a detailed manner. The researcher could include the future research topic on the challenges for implementing a particular leadership style in different organizational culture. Nowadays, most of the organization face challenges to implement a leadership style, as the employees may not be able to adopt the style. Hence, the researcher may focus on evaluating rationale of leadership challenges in the business. On the other hand, the leadership style may include some negative impact that could harm the organizational culture. Consequently, it may affect the growth of the business. 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