Thursday, November 28, 2019
Modern Technology Essays - Economic Development, Development
Modern Technology In an era where human progress is soaring at a dizzying rate, society must adapt its technology to solve current world issues. In a world where the Internet, cell phones and notebook computers are becoming a necessity for everyday living, we often forget about those who still suffer attempting to meet their basic needs, including clean water, food and health care. It is time for the developed world to use their technology to help those who can not help themselves. By using these technologies there will be advances in medical services, a new economy based on the Internet, emerging information technologies and new methods for the farming and industrial sectors. More importantly, these technologies will provide the education and knowledge for these people to become prosperous nations that can fend for themselves and provide for their people. Transfers of technology from the developed world to the developing world will improve the standard of living, increase efficiency in production and become a base for economic growth, without this transfer these countries will fall further into poverty and economic ruin, with little hope for survival. For most people of the developed world, the developing world is not something they concern themselves with; they do not see it everyday and therefore it does not exist. This could not be farther from the truth. The developing world is in need of help but the developed world constantly turns a blind eye. Our current love affair with technology may provide the answer for underdeveloped nations problems. The standard of living is so low in these countries that our everyday conveniences are a struggle for the entire population to obtain. If the developed nations could meet these base needs, these countries may be able to overcome their current problems. The first issue that must be dealt with is the unsatisfactory health care and medical technology. If the developed world could send excess medical supplies along with the personnel to administer them, they might learn to take care of themselves. In time, the common diseases that kill thousands in these countries will be under control and people will start living longer, healthier lives. A second issue is the exchange of technology for agriculture and industry. As a result, new jobs will be created to provide income, while reducing child labor. As the people of these countries start to build income for themselves, the amount of crime will be reduced as people will be able to afford to meet their basic needs. As an example, instead of having to steal or beg for food or clothing, they would be able to purchase them; thus reducing crime and increase economic growth. The case study of China completed in class, showed that as people became educated and more career oriented, the size of families decreased thus reducing overpopulation. This occurs for two main reasons, people will not have time for a family and less children are required for the work force. With overpopulation and the rate of natural increase under control the standard of living in these countries will increase. With just a small jumpstart from the developing world, developing countries will experience a chain reaction that will increase their standard of living. This chain will start with improved medicine to increase life expectancy, followed by new jobs that will bring income and finally education that will reduce overpopulation and crime. All of these factors resulting from technological transfers will lead to an overall increase in living standard. In the corporate world of North America, it has never been easier to start a business or company. Using modern technology such and the Internet and a computer, an individual or group of individuals can become major players in today's ever increasing electronic economy. As the overall cost of doing business drops, it will make "the technology more rapidly available, at a decreased cost"(Freund, pg.2) and therefore level the economic playing field. As companies start cropping up, built around a new information based economy, there will be more and more demand for jobs. These jobs will give local workers a chance at making some money and providing a living for themselves and their families. With employment on the increase, people will start making decent wages, they will spend it locally, thus increasing the local economy and helping their own industry to grow. This economic growth will have multiple effects that include more health care and educational funding and allow the development of infrastructure. Once the countries have started to reach this level, they will be able to increase their initial technologies to
Sunday, November 24, 2019
buy custom Final Paper essay
buy custom Final Paper essay It is very important that an organization puts effective measures in place to strengthen its public relations so as to be able to operate in a favorable business environment. The essence of proper public relations cannot be over emphasized but truth be told, it forms a huge part in the activities of any organization. To achieve these targets, the organization utilized the various tools at its disposal. This paper highlights in a very deep sense the essence of creating proper channels of public relations in large-sized organizations such as (Company X) and the repercussions that become of such activities. This essay focuses on how public relations support processes such as marketing of the organizations products through developing both the image and product of the company otherwise known as publicity. It is greatly important that we recognize the fact that the public relations function would be used to attract various stakeholders for example, the organizations employees as well as certain non-target market groups. Public relations methods such as exposure to media offer proper audience as well as a potential benefit to the organization. It is important therefore that we understand the basics of public relations and its application in organizations in as far as aspects such as culture, design and structures are concerned. Worth noting is the fact that public relations help in a very big way to improve the relationship that the organization has with its external environment. Therefore, this essay will contextualize the public relations idea with the Company X forming the basis upon which projections will be made. Definition of public relations The term public relations can be described in many ways. Generally though, it is described as a process of cultivating admirable ties for organizations and its subsequent products as well as the major publics by exploring various communication channels and tools. It basically refers to the process through which various public relations officials, often tasked with curving exemplary images for the organization, team up with the news teams and various media houses to publicize an organization or the organizations product via stories in both printed and broadcasted media (Ledingham Bruning, 2001). The dynamics shaping up the contemporary world has; however, brought in a new lease of life in as far as the role of public relations is concerned. These include creating appropriate but accepted images for an organization by use of articles and other forms of representation found in media outlets that are relevant, aids the monitoring process of many media channels in as far as sentiments ab out the organization and the products are concerned, offering management to possible crises that would hurt the companys image or its product and lastly public relations has been noticed to create friendly environments for organizations as concerns their target markets. This has been made possible through exploring methods such as community participation, spendthrift and events as well as programs of specialty. In any organization, the main target of the department of public relations is to increase the organizations reputation and protect it at the same time. Importance of the public relations to the organization Owing to the competitive nature of the business field in the contemporary world, it has become increasingly important that organizations and any other business enterprises device competitive advantages over their rivals through exploring the best public relations practices. In so doing, these organizations get to market themselves to the public (customers) through the effective media. Public relations service the company through aiding in the process of giving the public domain and the media more efficient ways to understand the functioning of the organization. For the internal environment of the organization, the public relations would be referred to as public information or customer relations. These departments come in handy to the employees particularly in instances where they are burdened by problems. Through carrying out surveys and PR also helps the company to accomplish its full probable. They offer a response to the company from the public. This usually takes the variety of r esearch concerning what areas the public is most unhappy with, and or happy. A successful public relations officer has to possess certain qualities as well as skills that would help in determining the success of his or her activities. These include efficient communication skills; be it in the written form or the spoken form. An individual should be fluent and clear in the method of communication he so chooses to disseminate information. Such individuals must also have a good mastery of multitasking (Wilcox Cameron, 2011). This is actually the process of engaging in two or more activities concurrently to facilitate the process of job completion. Multitasking also helps in a big way to manage time and work within the scheduled time frames. Background information on how the media functions and the world of advertising could be added advantages. An individuals interpersonal skills should also encompass proper organizational and planning skills that would help in shaping public relation s. An individual working in the public relations department of the organization would need to be able to work under pressure. This is considering the fact that this job has its pressure points that need a lot of composure to maintain. Academic qualifications are also an added advantage. How the organization utilizes public relations to create brand and influence opinions For an organization to create a brand it has to be acting in a specific way different from competitors and in a manner that favors its target populations; mostly customers and prospective investors. In creating a brand, the organization can therefre be at a position to influence the activities of many people. It is important to realize the fact that brand creation in itself is a way to create influence as the target group will start to identify itself with this brand. The biggest problem is not creating a brand but how to do it. The process of creating a brand involves many players as well as resources most significantly; financial. The organization utilized the various tools at its disposal to achieve these targets; these tools are mostly the various forms of communication that the company utilized to create efficient public relations. The company used methods such as blogs and websites (collateral literature) to gain market dominance in the internet circles (Baron, Conway Warnaby, 2010). Blogs allow the prospective customers and investors to ask for any clarifications on the operation of the organization. This allows the customer confidence to be boosted in the company and in so doing the customer and the investor groups can tag along to the activities of the organization. Websites also work in a similar fashion as blogs only that it is more convenient and detailed in its information. This way the organization managed to influence its target groups into joining its operations. Organizational values, ethos, structures, philosophies and designs are just but a few of the information common sighted in these sources. Added to these methods, the company utilized talk shows in the various media outlets to boost on the perception building process among its target customers. Talk shows are media through which an organization gets to showcase its range of activities to any interested persons. This is a job carried out by public relations professionals doubling up as spokespersons. The company also utilized the print media to establish their influence and their marketing brands. Working on a motivating philosophy, the organization managed to put advertisements and promotional activities on print media sources. These sources include books and other literary sources, local newspapers and newsletters. Brochures and the organizations magazine were also some of the methods used. So as to increase their popularity, the organization used publicity events otherwise referred to as stunts or pseudo-events (Smith, 2004). The organization also utilized desk visits to keep their dedicated and prospective customers in touch with their activities. In this case, public relation professionals took to journalists in the leading media houses the new products so as brief them of the new promotion schemes. Considering it is through the media houses that the larger percentage of the population gets to acquire information, the organization managed to establish their brand and consequently, their influence. Another way through which the organization managed to create their brand was through the use of direct communication methods to reach its constituents. The idea of carrying important messages and ideas to customers was a major representation of dedication on the part of the organization that managed to cultivate in the customers a sense of trust and appreciation. The organ ization also managed to assert their influence through organizing nationwide seminars and induction sessions in which they not only attracted new stakeholders on board but also made it possible for them to learn all the procedures and activities that shape up the organization. In this way, the organization managed to attract more customers and investors as well as other important stakeholders. The attraction process only represented in a big way the influence they had managed to create in the customers. Social media sites and their implication in the organizations operations The 21st century has witnessed a flurry of activities especially as concerns the internet developments. The olden days of telephony and e-mails have been overtaken by the present days and their sophisticated yet widely used methods of communication. These methods are mostly tied to the social media sites and their rapid development in the past few years. It is not uncommon to see most if not all business enterprises resorting to social sites to market their products to the numerous users. Social media sites can be described as technologies in the web and mobile sectors that manage to create interactive dialogues out of important communication. They can also be described as media for social interaction that allow its users to exchange user-generated information. It has acted to revolutionize the communication systems between the various groups that would be interacting to generate a business idea. Key to understanding the idea behind social media sites is the fact that they are intern et based and as such manage to bring into congruence the activities of various groups. In a bid to market their prices, social media sites have in their ranks various categories that business enterprises are exploring. The organization under discussion, being a profit making business enterprise, also utilized these social sites. Social media sites consist of sections such as bookmarking, news, networking, photo and video sharing and wikis (Hendricks, 2010). All these categories were incorporated by the organization and used effectively to bring the best out of them. Specific reference, though, can be made to the networking sites, photo and video sharing sites and lastly the wikis. In the networking sector, the company made use of facebook and twitter which are arguably the largest networking sites. Counting on the large user bases of these two sites, the organization posted links on their pages (especially for facebook) and making use of mini blogs (in the case of twitter) to nab a larger consumer base. As concerns the video sharing sites, the organization, being a communication oriented organization (mobile telephone Company), resorted to the use of the popular YouTube and videoconferenciing techniques to share information on their new technologies. For instance the money banking services recently launched by the organization were posted in YouTube for subscribers who are farfetched to see. This allowed the customers to learn the requi site techniques without necessarily being instructed at individual levels. The working of the wikis is rather understandable. The organization shared the necessary information such as specific dates and location as well as activities. This allows customers to acquire information about the organization in a rather easy fashion. These social sites have managed to propel the organizations image to the global stage thereby increasing its influence as well as popularity. However, it must also be noted that the use of media and social sites have also brought in their fair share of disadvantages. Considering social sites are merely informal sites that allow organizations or rather companies such as this to reach their customers, it is hard, therefore, that formal discussions would ever be promulgated. The process of disseminating important information would only be limited to very secretive or formal platforms. This would go a long way in hindering the development process especially if cer tain interested stakeholders cannot access these forums. Another huge threat posed by these sites is the fact that successful companies such as this, have to deal with the menace of hackers who are for all time on the lookout for information privy only to the members of the organization. A good example would be a hacker obtaining important documents such as the companys competitive advantages alongside other strengths. This is a serious problem that has been dubbed as cyber theft and is on the verge of killing the spirit of cyber technology or rather the internet progressions so far witnessed. Crisis faced by the organization Being a communications company, this organization mainly faces the threat of tariff regulation in the face of increased competitors. The communications industry is a very competitive one especially if it has many players on board. Having been, in the business for a long time the organization seemed to have taken over the mobile industry and as such set user friendly tariffs. However with increased competitors coming to the fore and lowering the billing rates, it is becoming increasingly important that the organization finds a way out. As such, the organization managed to resort to other inventions to keep its faithful customers. Considering the new entrants set very low tariff levels which in turn translate into very low billing rates, the organization decided to venture into other equally productive ventures so as to keep its turnover rates at constant levels at the same time maintaining its large customer base. To start with, the company has decided to introduce new tariff packs to counter the strategies adopted by the new market entrants. Apart from this, the organization decided to invent services such as mobile banking services as well inviting its consumer base to subscribe to its initial public offers (IPOs). These are measures adopted in the face of stiff competition especially in the sector of making calls so as to increase the efficiency levels of the company. The introduction of new ventures have helped in not only maintaining the large user base but also bringing in more customers especially in the rural areas who might not be in positions to access services such as banks. This is seen as strength and a competitive advantage that will take time to get imitated by any competitors. Comparisons to a non-profit organization Most non-profit making organizations are charity organizations and in other instances community initiated programs that are always at helping a category of persons within their areas of jurisdictions. Comparisons made between these two organizations could be on the basis of raising awareness and reaching their prospective customers. To this end, both types of organizations are deemed to be using the same methods in as far as public relations is concerned. In both cases, the use of the media and other social networks as discussed herein could be applicable (Vernon, 2002). This is to imply that even the non-profit making organizations would resort to wide spread advertisement schedules to obtain customers and various stakeholders such as financiers. The differences on their part are numerous considering the major goals of these two organizations are totally different. To start with, their mission or goals would be different. The profit making organization would stress on obtaining turn overs as well as increasing their operation areas while the non-profit making organizations would stress mainly in offering their services to their customers in the best possible ways. The other major difference, though not related to the aspect of public relations, would be in the payment of tax schedules. The profit making organization has a strict tax payment regime while the non-profit making organization has tax concession regimes that sees them operating at little or no costs. The only payments made by the non-profit making organization could be in the form of obtaining license fees. Conclusion The aspect of public relations is very important in the establishment of an efficient organization as it acts as the mirror by which the organization in question is known and therefore attention should be accorded to all channels of public relations. As seen from the company X discussed herein, it is important that organizations aiming to use the media and social sites to market themselves as well as their products or services do so in most commonly used sites. Without a doubt, the competition among organizations majoring in similar products would reach a high new level where the differences will be picked according to the public relation channels in existence. Buy custom Final Paper essay
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Pick an art work that is influenced by chemistry of physics Term Paper
Pick an art work that is influenced by chemistry of physics - Term Paper Example Quantum Man is a sculpture that was produced by Julian Vos-Andreae in 2009. Quantum Man is a piece of sculpture that was influenced by chemistry of physics. Quantum Man is ten and a half feet high in terms of its elevation and is placed at the center of The Bravern shopping are that is located in Bellevue, Washington D.C. It is one among many of the sculptures produced by the Julian Vos-Andreae that quantum themes. The Quantum Man has a front and back view and appears as a huge hunk of metal that was cut to represent the shape of a man walking. However, when the sculpture is looked from the side, it becomes almost invisible. The effect in Quantum Man is derived from the layers of stainless steel, which are more than 100 sheets that are layered from the front towards the back, and separated by metal rods. Quantum Man appears like a diffraction pattern of a wave. When in motion, a viewer can see the sculpture from the front or back. However, it keeps appearing and disappearing as a vie wer moves. Julian Vos-Andreae sculpted the object in a manner that shows its aesthetic value and ability to show stillness. Julian Vos-Andreae said that, â€Å"...the weirdness of quantum physics...see how far I could get in trying to understand it.†1 The sculpture was intended for metaphorical purposes on the way the complex and counter-intuitive quantum physics could be explored. It is symbolic of the dual face of matter. The Quantum Man presented Julian Vos-Andreae with two challenges. First, he makes a standard representation of classical quantum objects that appear to please in terms of its aesthetics. He has achieved this by sculpting an object that appeals to the eyes of the viewer. The second challenge is the background of physics with which he develops Quantum Man. He uses physics to link the classical representations of quantum objects to certain philosophical interpretations about human body2. The Quantum Man shows that Julian Vos-Andreae to develop an artistic cre ation that depicts a man in the sense of both time and space. The parallel sheets of metal that he used are representative of the wave fronts of a man as he moves forward through space and time. He placed each metal sheet with a definite spacing by connecting them with metal rods irregularly put horizontally and vertically to represent integral formulation of quantum mechanical style. This also helps achieve duality in his sculpture in terms of the true nature that exists underneath the sculpture and the reality as seen by a viewer. He shows that the real human body appears as a static figure (stillness) at any moment in time. Through Quantum Man, Julian Vos-Andreae exemplifies that the human body moves in waves. However, the waves are not perceived in most cases3. Therefore, Julian Vos-Andreae through the Quantum Man emphasizes that human body and everything around it is matter. He clearly exemplifies that every part of matter is considered as a well outlined path through space and time. It also brings forth the notion of continuity. This is seen in the Quantum Man in the sense that it seems to appear, disappear and reappear in different anglers. However, it does not disappear and disappear in real sense. The Quantum Man possesses an equivocal identity where its pieces are considered to be touching each other or appear as separate. However, the pieces do not penetrate through each other. The object shows that objects do not have hard edges or well defined boundaries in places where one piece ends and
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Receiving A Telephone Call From The Security Guard. Company's Security Essay
Receiving A Telephone Call From The Security Guard. Company's Security Issues - Essay Example I'll further ask the security guard to produce a list of those who entered the locker room and list of those who operated their lockers in last twenty four hours. The Security guard will be asked to call upon the in-charge of department handling cameras and equipments, the in charge will be requested to figure out if he had any clue regarding loss of the cameras. If yes, the main in-charge will be requested to report the exact timings of the loss. The security department will be asked to ascertain the list of those who visited the equipment department, and inquire about their purpose of visit, the frequency of visits has to be noted down. Upon reaching the location, I'll inspect the data gathered by the security guard. Every present employee, including the security officials, will be handed over a page, to give a brief description of their entire working day; the respective pages will then be handed over to the in-charge of the department for confirmation and verification. In the meantime, I'll develop a personal interaction with Randeep, listen to his part of the story, the team leader of his department will be requested to give me a highlight about employee's past record and activities. Randeep will be asked to provide the exact timings of when did he operated his locker last time, and why should he be considered innocent of the charges. Of course I will not consider Randeep to be the culprit, because if he had to steal it, he would not have been fool enough to place those cameras into his locker, that are regularly inspected. Randeep is either too stupid to make such robbery, or he is innocent. I'll inform the company's management about the incident, and will inform him about the steps taken. I'll seek his guidance, if he wanted crime forces to intervene, and conduct the inquiry, or wait for the outcome of the steps initiated by my authority as Human Resource Manager. The company's management guidance will be requested with reference to ordering immediate termination letter to the employees found guilty of charges. The company's management will be informed as per their convenience, before the next working day commence. What do you think has happened After listening to the employee's version, and receiving briefing by the team leader. I'll ask my deputy to interact with Phil. Phil will be asked verbally to ascertain all that he has written on the paper, he will asked to proof that he has no connection with the charges, such that neither he plotted the event, nor he supported Randeep for his action. I'll ask my deputy to not only target Phil, but target some other individuals, including staff in the security, because it was mainly a lapse from their side as well. I would have personally considered Randeep to be the culprit, but the reason for not doing is that because the crime committed or impose upon Randeep has emerged out during the period when the company is likely to announce the nomination of Randeep for the position of Team Leader. An employee who is so dedicated and sincere towards his task, who understands that he will be promoted soon, is not likely to commit such crime, perhaps Randeep would have received better opportunities to steal after his promotion. I will certainly have different versions related to the incident, 1. Either Randeep has stolen the camera, to gather money, because he has been always complaining shortage of finances after he separated. 2. Either Phil has committed this folly, because he wanted to damage the image of Randeep, as the company planned to announce the suitable
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Understanding Terrorism Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Understanding Terrorism - Assignment Example It seeks to identify long term and newly emerging political conflicts which might lead to terrorism and try to find solutions for them (Martin, 2010). The problem with this approach is that it may affect innocent people in the name of collateral damage. Soft approach to terrorism is where the government or the state seeks to address the root and main causes of terrorism. This tries to accommodate terrorist demands including negotiations as well as modifications that tackle the grievances of the terrorists. Soft response deals with the immediate crisis caused by terrorist’s attack which makes it an event related situation (Martin, 2010). The problem with this method is it gives terrorism power to that state and that is the last thing they should have. Economic sanctions are used to counter terrorism because they are believed to follow tradition and customs thus making any government using it to have an advantage. Economic sanctions include trade restrictions and other controls (Martin,
Friday, November 15, 2019
Impact Of Mobile Phone On Work Life
Impact Of Mobile Phone On Work Life Impact of mobile phone on work-life balance of field workers Abstract This research report is an exploratory study of impact of mobile phone on work performance, productivity and personal life of field workers. Are field workers able to take the advantage of mobile phone and related new technologies to improve their work life balance or they finding it difficult to manage their work and personal life due to use of mobile phone? This research is an attempt to understand the impact of mobile phone and related new technologies on their work life balance. Introduction The success of western economies is much more depends upon the efficiency and output of the field workers (Drucker, 1999). According to him field workers are also called as knowledge workers. A knowledge worker mainly works away from the desk and works in technical services and spend more time with clients and dealers whereas field workers also works away from desk and deals with the customers service. Many organisations provide equipped handy mobile devices to field workers which allow them to access the various applications and chance to communicate with the office workers and clients during field work. Work life balance is defined as creating a productive and fruitful work environment where tension between work and personal life is minimised (State service commission NZ, 2005). It means perfect combination of participation in paid work and unpaid work (personal life, social responsibilities and family work). Work life balance is all about implementation of policies which will helpful for workers and staff to maintain their healthy and satisfying lifestyle which will leads to improve performance and productivity of the worker. The main purpose of this study is to understand the impact of mobile phone on work life balance of field workers. This study is design to provide detail analysis of use of mobile phone during work time and off time and its impact on work and personal life of workers. Applying work life balance in organisation is very important to develop the productivity of workers. It is broadly consider that mobile phone and internet are distorting margins among workplace and personal life. Some researchers believe that mobile phone is threat to the modern life, whereas other considers it as a new opportunity to maintain work life and family life (Wajcman et al., 2008). No other device has been spread drastically amongst the people than mobile phone but its social and personal impact is not clearly known. This research report is base for assessing impact of mobile phone on work life balance of field workers. Mobile phones and field workers In 1990s, first time GE and CompuCom organisations provided mobile phones and laptops to their field workers and sales representatives and made them mobile workforce (Pepe, 1999). The main motive of these organisations of ‘going mobile was to make their field workers more productive and improve their ability to use dead time while traveling. As a result, field workers can check voice mails and can give call back in their spare time like waiting at airport, train stations. In the past few years mobile technology changed very dramatically. According to Jarvenpaa and Langs (2008) mobile technology is combination of communication, hardware and software handheld IT devices which includes PDAs, mobile phones and other integrated wireless devices enterprises like Blackberry. Mobile phone allows field workers for more bendable plans and gives independence to work from anywhere and anytime. Demand of work life balance is very sizzling topic amongst the various organisations to improve the productivity of workers. In 1980s the importance and need of females and field workers is recognised by organisations like Deloitte Touche and Merck. IBM started to change the policies like maternity leaves, EAPs (Employee Assistance Programme), home based work and child care policies to improve work life balance of female workers and field workers (Pepe, 1999). The Economist Intelligence Unit conducted a survey in 2004 with more than 1500 field workers on mobile phone practices in field work (Belen, 2009). More than 75% field workers proposed that tools like email, text messages and voice calls help them to improve their productivity and availability on the job. They also described other benefits like faster decision making, real time information and flexibility. However flexibility on the field work means not an opportunity for the field workers to maintain their work life balance (Taylor 2003; Rood 2005). The Economic Intelligence Unit also found some disadvantages of the mobile phone practice amongst the field workers like trouble in managing their work home balance (Belen, 2009). According to Jarvenpaa and Langs (2008) mobile phone also brings some disadvantages to the life of field workers like â€Å"less personal time†and incapability to isolate themselves from the work during there off time. In other research by Schlosser (2002) where he interviewed with field workers and he found common disadvantage of being mobile leads to increase in expectation of availability. Increase in expectations indirectly increases workload and responsibility on the workers. They also feel compulsory to respond to the calls from their subordinates and managers (Davis, 2002). Due to more expectation of availability and quick response to work allied problems in weekends may indirectly affect the work life balance and may increase frustration amongst the workers (Jarvenpaa, Lang, et al 2003). Impact of mobile phone on work Lyytinen and Yoo (2002) published the research on work environment for organisations and individuals in which they proposed the impact of mobile phone and other wireless technology must have to be calculated by considering performance of team and output of the workers. There are many theories are available to measure the adoption of new technology and its impact on individuals. On the basis of TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) theory Breu, Hemingway and Ashurst (2005) conducted a research and they proposed some important aspect of impact of mobile phones on field workers. Improved job performance: Most of the interviewees explained that use of mobile phone helped them for quick communication process and better decision making while working on field which helped them to boost their job performance. Improved productivity: According to the 45% field workers mobile phone with the multiple function and internet access improved their productivity. Instead of waiting for client or customer they can use their dead time for other task like checking and sending emails, new updates and cold calling. They also described the benefit of real time information due to use of mobile phone as they can attained meeting with the latest and updated data and information. Faster task accomplishment:Use of mobile phone and new technological devices enables field workers to complete their task faster and in effective way. Rather than going back to the office or desk to complete task field workers get independence of physical location to complete the work (Breu, Hemingway and Ashurst, 2005). Greater work control:As per the field workers who spend more time with customers and clients agreed that mobile phone with internet gave them greater work control. Improved consulting process: As per the Breu, Hemingway and Ashurst, (2005) interviewees gave the reason that why they can meet more customers face to face on work fields, because these devices like mobile phone with internet facility enable them more responsive to the customers queries and communications. Improved collaboration:field workers agreedthat mobile phone reduced their communication gap with other team mates and improved their collaboration on consulting team. Other field workers propose that collaboration improved due to easy way of transferring private electronic files and personal work related documents. Make job easier:Not every fieldworker agreed on this statement that use of mobile phone make their job easier. Some found it easier to complete work but difficult to maintain their personal and family life and some found it as easy to maintain personal life but tough in field work. Recently, AMTA (Australian Mobile Telecommunication Association) published a survey in 2008 which was conducted within 2189 individuals in Australia on impact of mobile phone work life balance of Australian workers (Wajcman et al., 2007). They found some interesting things about impact of mobile phone on Australian workers. The key points are as follows, 20% field worker said that its impossible for them to work without mobile phone. 75% field workers feels secure on field job with mobile phone. Two third of the male field worker switch off their mobile phone on weekdays to avoid being disturbed by office work. More than half interviewees agreed that use of mobile phone increased their productivity. Impact of mobile phone on field workers Personal and family life:According toBreu, Hemingway and Ashurst (2005) half of the field workers agreed that use of mobile phones helps them to maintain their personal and family life. Mobile phone allowed them to become in touch with family during field work and they can easily communicate with the family members in emergency and normal cases. In contrast some field workers described that use of mobile phone impact negatively on their work life balance. Some workers found very difficult to balance their family and personal life with work life due to availability of mobile phone. Mental stress:Due toincrease in expectation of availability and instant response to the work related issues during personal time increases the mental stress on field workers which finally result in work life imbalance. 34% field workers said that it is very difficult to isolate them with work on off days due to the mobile phone which sometime increases their mental stress (Breu, Hemingway and Ashurst, 2005). Frustration: According totheEconomic Intelligence Unit survey, receiving calls on weekend and off time make workers frustrate mainly in case of women field workers (Belen, 2009). The author also proposed that women field workers are very specific about their work time and family time. Commitment and loyalty: State service commission NZ (2005) published a report on work life balance where it states that organisation provides various facilities to their workers like mobile phone, internet facility, increment, holiday pays. This kind of rewards and facilities increases the feeling of commitment in workers and it forced workers to responds quickly and even on off time. According to report workers also feel more pressurised due to their commitment and loyalty to the organisation. AMTA (Australian Mobile Telecommunication Association) found some interesting things about impact of mobile phone on Australian workers (Wajcman et al., 2007). The key finding of survey is as follows, 40% workers admitted that mobile increase their work load and 55% respond with neutral effect. More than 50% field workers respond that mobile phone helps their work life balance and very few workers said that negative impact of mobile phone on work life balance. As per the survey 60% male field workers has separate mobile phone for work and private use. 58% female field workers said that work calls on weekdays and off time disturbed them and increase their mental stress. As per the figure 1 and 2, Wajcman et al. (2007) described that around 20% male field workers found job difficult without having mobile phone. 30% male field workers found job very easy without mobile phone and even this percentage increases in female field workers up to 50%. Very few field workers said that their work life balance decrease a lot due to mobile phone. In contrast more than 50% workers said that there is no change in their work life balance. Around 40% field workers agreed that use of mobile phone somewhat increases their work life balance. Mobile phone and work family issues 1) Security of the children Most of the workers care about their childrens while work especially in case of female field workers. According to State service commission NZ (2005) survey 72% workers purchased mobile phone for their children to monitor their action. Mobile phone makes field workers more relax about childrens security on field because they know they can contact their children anytime anywhere (Breu, Hemingway and Ashurst, 2005). 2) In consistently separated couple relationship Field workers who lived consistently away from wife or family regarding job, mobile phone plays pivotal role in maintaining their relationship. In many cases where field workers are physically apart from their partner but with the help of mobile phone they can stay closer. According to the AMTA (Australian Mobile Telecommunication Association) survey 80% female field workers agreed that mobile phone plays very important role in their relationship when they are apart from each other (Wajcman et al., 2007). 3) Family household coordination Lowry Moskos (2005) proposed that mobile phone and new technology can bring better coordination in work and family of the field workers. As per AMTA survey all workers gave some important points on question that, how mobile phone assist family and household coordination? In reply workers said, get-together of family members, picnic planning, sending good and gifts, general information like when they will reach at home are some important things they can manage through mobile phone when they are on work and they can manage their family household coordination (Wajcman et al., 2007). Tethering effect of mobile phone on work life balance 1) Negative effect National Institute of Labour Studies, Australia published a research on tethering effect of mobile phone on work life balance. In this study they interviewed various filed workers depending upon occupation like electrician, estate agents, trade persons and ITC workers (Lowry Moskos, 2005). In this research all field workers explained their personal experience stating that how mobile phone impact their work life balance. Most of the ITC workers and estate agents said that there personal time were occupied due to mobile phone. Estate agents shared their personal experience and said that mobile phone interrupted his home life. For example, their mobile phone rung at midnight or early in the morning regarding property queries. One estate agent admitted that his wife hates his mobile phone when it rings in the night. He also proposed that his small childrens also get disturbed due to mobile phone in the night (Lowry Moskos, 2005). More than six electricians said that they have work based mobile phones and they can be fined on ignoring the work related calls. These penalties may include lost wages, and warnings from managers (Lowry Moskos, 2005). According to National Institute of Labour Studies not only field workers suffered from work related calls in night but their partners also get disturbed. One electrician said that he gets two or three work related calls in the night and he is tolerated to these calls. But his partner felt hard to sleep again after getting disturbed and lack of sleep affecting his job performance (Lowry Moskos, 2005). For all of the surveyed occupational groups mobile phone brings some emotional problems into their personal life. However no one agreed that mobile phone reduces their job performance and productivity. 2) Positive effect National Institute of Labour Studies also found some positive effects of mobile phone according to field workers. Some ITC workers described that they were beneficiated by mobile phone (Lowry Moskos, 2005). Some positive effects described in survey are as follows, Field workers can contact with their family even if they are on work. Some electrician said they can hide behind mobile phone like they can pretend that they are busy in meeting or they are driving a car. According to estate agent they can contact with many clients on mobile phone when it is impossible to meet them personally. All interviewees agreed that they can easily contact with their subordinates and managers while field work.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Optimism vs. Pessimism in Popes Essay on Man and Leapors Essay on Wom
Optimism vs. Pessimism in Pope's Essay on Man and Leapor's Essay on Woman   Both Alexander Pope's Essay on Man, Epistle 2 and Mary Leapor's Essay on Woman expound the fatalist contention that neither man nor woman can "win," as each individual exists in a world of trade-offs. Yet, by each author's singular technique of sculpting his ideas with the literary tools of contrast, argument, and syntax, the cores of the two essays turn back to back, evolving into distinct, but contrary perspectives of Man's (in respect to mankind) and Woman's existence. Pope asserts that a profusion of trade-offs establish a certain equilibrium point where Man hangs "on this isthmus of a middle state" (Magill 2629). After defining the boundaries of Man's oscillations through a procession of clever paradoxes of words, Pope conciliates Man's unpredictable balance, or fulcrum point, as the essence of Man as an individual. Although consistent with Pope's theory of life's extremes, Mary Leapor utilizes contrasting imagery within specific female case studies to decry the life of Woman as doomed to slavery by her inevitable fate. The two poets' views ultimately oppose each other. While Pope experiments with punctuation and precision, Leapor explores the effects of personalization. By subtly but convictively proposing an optimistic perspective, that Man's confused position is his claim to fame, Pope intones his poetry with an uplifting vitality readily conducted to his reader; whereas Leapor opines Woman's confused position as the doom of life's essence and transitively condemns her reader to the incurable pessimism she so vividly relates.  The essence of man, as defined by Pope, is a series of paradoxical, yet concrete sets of contrasting wo... ...les: 1968.  Dixon, Peter. The World of Pope's Satires. Methuen & Co, London: 1968.  Lonsdale, Roger. Eighteenth Century Women Poets. Ed. Oxford University Press, London: 1952.   Morris, David B. Wit, Rhyme and Couplet: Style as Content in Pope's Art. Jackson-Wallace, New York: 1993. Rosslyn. From Alexander Pope: A Literary Life. Cambridge UP, Cambridge: 1993.  Sherburn, George. The Best of Pope. Ronald Press Company, New York: 1929.  Soloman, Harry M. "Johnson's Silencing of Pope: Trivializing an Essay of Johnson: A Scholarly Annual. New York: 1992. on Man." The Age  Tillotson, Geoffrey. On the Poetry of Pope. Clarendon Press, Oxford: 1950.  Thomas, Claudia N. Alexander Pope and His Eighteenth-Century Women Southern Illinois Readers. University Press, Carbondale: 1994.   Optimism vs. Pessimism in Pope's Essay on Man and Leapor's Essay on Wom Optimism vs. Pessimism in Pope's Essay on Man and Leapor's Essay on Woman   Both Alexander Pope's Essay on Man, Epistle 2 and Mary Leapor's Essay on Woman expound the fatalist contention that neither man nor woman can "win," as each individual exists in a world of trade-offs. Yet, by each author's singular technique of sculpting his ideas with the literary tools of contrast, argument, and syntax, the cores of the two essays turn back to back, evolving into distinct, but contrary perspectives of Man's (in respect to mankind) and Woman's existence. Pope asserts that a profusion of trade-offs establish a certain equilibrium point where Man hangs "on this isthmus of a middle state" (Magill 2629). After defining the boundaries of Man's oscillations through a procession of clever paradoxes of words, Pope conciliates Man's unpredictable balance, or fulcrum point, as the essence of Man as an individual. Although consistent with Pope's theory of life's extremes, Mary Leapor utilizes contrasting imagery within specific female case studies to decry the life of Woman as doomed to slavery by her inevitable fate. The two poets' views ultimately oppose each other. While Pope experiments with punctuation and precision, Leapor explores the effects of personalization. By subtly but convictively proposing an optimistic perspective, that Man's confused position is his claim to fame, Pope intones his poetry with an uplifting vitality readily conducted to his reader; whereas Leapor opines Woman's confused position as the doom of life's essence and transitively condemns her reader to the incurable pessimism she so vividly relates.  The essence of man, as defined by Pope, is a series of paradoxical, yet concrete sets of contrasting wo... ...les: 1968.  Dixon, Peter. The World of Pope's Satires. Methuen & Co, London: 1968.  Lonsdale, Roger. Eighteenth Century Women Poets. Ed. Oxford University Press, London: 1952.   Morris, David B. Wit, Rhyme and Couplet: Style as Content in Pope's Art. Jackson-Wallace, New York: 1993. Rosslyn. From Alexander Pope: A Literary Life. Cambridge UP, Cambridge: 1993.  Sherburn, George. The Best of Pope. Ronald Press Company, New York: 1929.  Soloman, Harry M. "Johnson's Silencing of Pope: Trivializing an Essay of Johnson: A Scholarly Annual. New York: 1992. on Man." The Age  Tillotson, Geoffrey. On the Poetry of Pope. Clarendon Press, Oxford: 1950.  Thomas, Claudia N. Alexander Pope and His Eighteenth-Century Women Southern Illinois Readers. University Press, Carbondale: 1994.  Â
Sunday, November 10, 2019
The Rocky Road to Success
The Rocky Road to Success Michael Sylvester Gardenzio Stallone, a man who has walked down a tough road but never gave up on his goals. He was overlooked at the beginning but now he overlooks Lake Tahoe in his large house. Even though it looked bleak at first Stallone kept with it and ended up changing American views, the movie industry, and also he showed us that â€Å"It ain't over till it's over. †Sylvester Stallone's birth wasn't the easiest operation for a doctor. On July 6th, 1947, Stallone was pulled from his mother, Jackie Stallone's womb by the doctor's forceps which ended up severing a facial nerve.This paralyzed the lower left half of his face, which gave him his iconic look and slightly slurred speech today. Young Sylvester Stallone was born into a troubled marriage, for his first five years he lived in the infamous Hell's Kitchen going to-and-from assorted foster homes. Eventually his parents got their act together and they were all reunited as a family. Due to St allone's birth accident, his face and speech made him an outcast in school, which in turn led to multiple fights and poor grades. His father and mother got divorced when Stallone was eleven and soon after, he was sent to a school for â€Å"troubled kids†.He moved to Philadelphia where he attended Notre Dame Academy and Lincoln High School which is where he first started acting and was also a football player. After high school Sylvester Stallone went to instruct at the American College of Switzerland in Geneva. After a couple years he returned to the United States and enrolled for college. He enrolled at the University of Miami hoping to get a major in drama. Stallone's college life didn't last long because he dropped out to pursue an acting career in New York.The Jobs didn't come easy in the beginning like they do ow, but Stallone stuck with it and played some minor roles before he blasted off in 1976 when he wrote â€Å"Rocky'. This Jumpstarted his career to becoming the ma n we know today. Stallone owns a third of the world-wide icon Planet Hollywood. Planet Hollywood is a resort that has food, games, a pool, and hotel. The creation of this hotel/resort/restaurant gave people of the world the opportunity to look at some of cinemas most iconic costumes, art, and props. Stallone is also a dedicated painter. l think I'm a much better painter than an actor†Stallone states in an interview with Kate Roberts. He also believes â€Å"It's much more personal and I'm allowed to do Just what I want to do. Quite often in acting you have to play a certain part, you cannot speak as much as you want to speak. †His paintings can be seen in St. Petersburg. (Reuters. ) He also claims that he wouldn't take an acting Job if it interfered with his paintings. Some of his paintings depict his iconic creation Rocky Balboa. Sylvester Stallone wrote many of the movies he has starred in.In 1976 he wrote and starred in the hit film â€Å"Rocky', which eventually e volved into a six movie set that the main role as John Rambo a Vietnam War veteran. Stallone also wrote/co-wrote â€Å"F. I. S. T. ,†, â€Å"Rambo: First Blood Part II,†â€Å"Rhinestone†and â€Å"Rambo Ill. â€Å", â€Å"Staying Alive†, â€Å"The Expendables†, â€Å"The Expendables 2†. As an actor Stallone has had in ups and downs. His roles as Rocky Balboa in the Rocky saga, John Rambo in the Rambo trilogy, the movie â€Å"Cliffhanger†, and â€Å"Demolition Man†were some of his best roles. But after the success of â€Å"Demolition Man†, Stallone's career began to fade away.His career hit rock bottom in 2002 with the movie â€Å"D-Tax†which only earned fifty-five thousand dollars on its opening weekend (that's pretty bad). His career then took off again when he was 60 when he returned to the role of Rocky in â€Å"Rocky Balboa†the sixth and final movie to his rocky series. Stallone has earned many aw ards and nominations along the years. He has won two Oscars and won 27 awards and has had 31 nominations. He also holds the record for being the â€Å"only actor to open a number one film over five decades†. His career is still rolling strong today.Stallone is starring in an upcoming film called â€Å"Grudge Match†that comes out Christmas Day and had announced the production of an â€Å"Expendables 3†and also a spinoff of Rocky â€Å"Creed. †One of Stallone's greatest accomplishments was the creation of a little man with a big heart, Rocky Balboa, who overcame adversity and won the hearts of millions. In 1975, Stallone was out of work and his hopes where low, but then became inspired by a boxing match he witnessed, he soon wrote the script of â€Å"Rocky' in Just three days. He made his first mark in his career whenever he went to sell the script.He was the first person to write a script and refused to sell it unless he played the starring role. Nobod y had ever done this before but it soon caught on with actors like Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, and Owen Wilson. Most people shot him down because of his rule but he was finally accepted by Robert Chatoff and Charles Winkler and they soon began production. â€Å"Rocky' wasn't Just a hero but an icon for many, not because it was a boxing movie but because it was a movie of overcoming the odds, a true underdog story, and also a love story.The Rocky saga was seen as â€Å"this great symbolism of never give up and that your dreams can come true†(Stallone, The Rocky Saga: Going the Distance) or â€Å"A saga about America with the backdrop of boxing. †(Carl Weathers, The Rocky Saga: Going the Distance) these aspects are what made the series such a uccess. Today there is a marathon based off of the workout route Rocky took during his training in the movie called â€Å"Rocky 50K Fatass Race. â€Å", â€Å"Rocky Balboa wasn't Just an underdog boxing hero, but a full-fledged u ltra-marathoner, the waiting began.Someone, at some point, would emerge to stage a run based on the 30. 61 -mile course McQuade determined Rocky ran in the training sequence in Rocky II. †(Hamilton, Fun Run on Rockys 30-Mile Philly Route is On! ). The route starts at Rockys home and ends at the iconic stairs leading to the Philadelphia art museum. Rocky also left his mark n the city of Philadelphia; there is a statue of Rocky Balboa that stands at the front of the iconic museum where Rocky would end his workout run.When filming the scene of Rocky running up the stairs, Garret Brown got a chance to try out his newest creation the Steadicam, â€Å"Rocky' wasn't the first movie he used it on but it was the first nowadays in most films. Rocky Balboa also has been inducted to the Boxing Hall of Fame for his influence on the boxing community and the world. Stallone's other big hit was about a Vietnam War veteran, John Rambo. â€Å"Rambo dramatized the conservative pillars of the post-Vietnam period†(Wardenski, WhyRambo Mattered) this movie was about the Vietnam War but it was a story that showed that we couldVe won the war but we ended up losing because of the beaurocrats. Rambo changed how Americans viewed those who served in Vietnam. Rambo was the first real action hero, â€Å"setting a new standard for body count, property destruction, and a hero's view of human and material destruction. Why did Rambo change the action movie genre? Well first off Stallone created a character which became synonymous with big macho 80's fragging action but also because it was kind of smart.Not exactly a thinking man's movie but one where the characters ad some complex emotions that made them, want blow up the whole town. Thanks to Rambo and a host of mean-spirited vigilante movies, the Vietnam Vet had film options outside of hang wringing dramas about post-combat relationships.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Different Places essays
Different Places essays The noon day sun beat down on the red clay infield at Harry Harris Park. Runners on first and second squinted from the glare as they watched the pitchers mound for the opportunity to run. Advise for the runners as well as the batter was screamed and from the stands of spectators. Adding to the din of noise was the chant of the infield and outfield, Hey, batter, batter! The smell of popcorn and barbeque permeated the air. Water bottles emptied as players sought to stay hydrated from the suffocating source of heat that surrounded them. The ball field was alive with action! The midnight moon lazily lit the ball field. The red infield clay reflected a rusty tone lightening ever so slightly at the pitchers mound. The moon light on bases lit up their lonely abandoned positions. Dew on the grass of the outfield announced the outer limits of the game area. Silver spectatorsstands invited the moon light to bathe them. All was still, stationary, secluded. The night blooming jasmine mixed with the salty sea breeze and perfumed the air. Still all was so spectacularly serene. Yet, pause, listen carefully, this is the place where hopes and dreams can be heard. ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Profile of Joseph Lister, Father of Modern Surgery
Profile of Joseph Lister, Father of Modern Surgery English surgeon Joseph Lister (April 5, 1827–February 10, 1912), Baron Lister of Lyme Regis, is considered the father of modern surgery for his work developing sterilization procedures that saved countless lives. Lister pioneered the use of carbolic acid for sanitizing operating rooms and employed antiseptic surgical procedures to prevent deadly postoperative infections. Early Years Born on April 5, 1827 in Essex, England, Joseph Lister was the fourth of seven children born to Joseph Jackson Lister and Isabella Harris. Listers parents were devout Quakers, and his father was a successful wine merchant with scientific interests of his own: he invented the first achromatic microscope lens, an endeavor that earned him the honor of being elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. The young Listers love for science grew as he became fascinated with the microscopic world introduced to him by his father. Lister decided at an early age that he wanted to become a surgeon and thus prepared for this eventual career by delving into science and mathematics subjects at the Quaker schools he attended in London. After entering the University of London in 1844, Lister earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1847 and a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery in 1852. Listers achievements during this time included serving as house surgeon at the University College Hospital of the University of London and being selected as a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons. Research and Personal Life In 1854, Lister went to the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary in Scotland to study under the famous surgeon James Syme. Under Syme, Listers professional and personal life flourished: he met and married Symes daughter, Agnes, in 1856. Agnes was invaluable as a wife and partner, assisting Joseph with his medical research and laboratory experiments. Joseph Listers research was centered on inflammation and its impact on wound healing. He published a number of papers regarding muscle activity in the skin and eyes, coagulation of blood, and blood vessel engorgement during inflammation. Listers research led to his appointment as Regius Professor of Surgery at the University of Glasgow in 1859. In 1860, he was named a Fellow of the Royal Society. Implementation of Antisepsis By 1861, Lister was leading the surgical ward at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary. During this time in history, surgery was performed only when absolutely necessary due to high death rates associated with infections. With little understanding of how germs like bacteria caused disease, surgical procedures were regularly performed in unsanitary conditions. In an attempt to combat wound infections, Lister began to employ cleanliness techniques used by Florence Nightingale and others. This process involved keeping the environment clean, changing dressings, and washing hands. However, it was not until he read the works of Louis Pasteur that Lister began to link germs with surgical wounds. While Lister was not the first to suggest that microorganisms were the cause of hospital associated diseases or that infections could be reduced through antiseptic methods, he was able to marry these ideas and effectively implement treatment for wound infections. In 1865, Lister began using carbolic acid (phenol), a substance used in sewage treatment, as an antiseptic to treat compound fracture wounds. These injuries were commonly treated by amputation, as they involved penetration of the skin and significant tissue damage. Lister used carbolic acid for hand washing and treatment of surgical incisions and dressings. He even developed an instrument for spraying carbolic acid into the air in the operating room. Lifesaving Antiseptic Success Listers first success case was an eleven year old boy who had suffered injuries from a horse cart accident. Lister employed antiseptic procedures during treatment, then found that the boys fractures and wounds healed without infection. Further success ensued as nine of eleven other cases where carbolic acid was used to treat wounds showed no signs of infection. In 1867, three articles written by Lister were published in Londons weekly medical journal, The Lancet. The articles outlined Listers method of antiseptic treatment based on the germ theory. In August of 1867, Lister announced at the Dublin meeting of the British Medical Association that no deaths associated with blood poisoning or gangrene had occurred since antiseptic methods had been fully employed in his wards at Glasgows Royal Infirmary. Later Life and Honors In 1877, Lister assumed the chair of Clinical Surgery at Kings College in London and began practicing at Kings College Hospital. There, he continued to research ways to improve his antiseptic methods and develop new methods for treating injuries. He popularized the use of gauze bandages for wound treatment, developed rubber drainage tubes, and created ligatures made from sterile catgut for stitching wounds. While Listers ideas of antisepsis were not immediately accepted by many of his peers, his ideas eventually gained nearly worldwide acceptance. For his outstanding achievements in surgery and medicine, Joseph Lister was ennobled a Baronet by Queen Victoria in 1883 and received the title Sir Joseph Lister. In 1897, he was made Baron Lister of Lyme Regis and awarded the Order of Merit by King Edward VII in 1902. Death and Legacy Joseph Lister retired in 1893 following the death of his beloved wife Agnes. He later suffered a stroke, but was still able to consult on treatment for King Edward VIIs appendicitis surgery in 1902. By 1909, Lister had lost the ability to read or write. Nineteen years after the passing of his wife, Joseph Lister died on February 10, 1912 at Walmer in Kent, England. He was 84 years old. Joseph Lister revolutionized surgical practices by applying the germ theory to surgery. His willingness to experiment with new surgical techniques led to the development of antiseptic methods that focused on keeping wounds free of pathogens. While changes have been made to Listers antisepsis methods and materials, his antiseptic principles remain the foundation for todays medical practice of asepsis (total elimination of microbes) in surgery. Joseph Lister Fast Facts Full Name: Joseph ListerAlso Known As: Sir Joseph Lister, Baron Lister of Lyme RegisKnown For: First to implement antiseptic method in surgery; father of modern surgeryBorn: April 5, 1827 in Essex, EnglandParents Names: Joseph Jackson Lister and Isabella HarrisDied: February 10, 1912 in Kent, EnglandEducation: University of London, Bachelor of Medicine and SurgeryPublished Works: On a New Method of Treating Compound Fracture, Abscess, etc. with Observation on the Conditions of Suppuration (1867); On the Antiseptic Principle in the Practice of Surgery (1867); and Illustrations of the Antiseptic System of Treatment in Surgery (1867)Spouse Name: Agnes Syme (1856-1893)Fun Fact: Listerine mouthwash and the bacterial genus Listeria were named after Lister Sources Fitzharris, Lindsey. The Butchering Art: Joseph Listers Quest to Transform the Grisly World of Victorian Medicine. Scientific American / Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2017. Gaw, Jerry L. A Time to Heal: the Diffusion of Listerism in Victorian Britain. American Philosophical Society, 1999. Pitt, Dennis, and Jean-Michel Aubin. Joseph Lister: Father of Modern Surgery. National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Oct. 2012, Simmons, John Galbraith. Doctors and Discoveries: Lives That Created Todays Medicine. Houghton Mifflin, 2002.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
George Lucas THX 1138 and Aldous Huxleys Brave New World Essay
George Lucas THX 1138 and Aldous Huxleys Brave New World - Essay Example Huxley's opening passage immediately draws attention to this illusion of dystopian literature as follows: A squat grey building of only thirty-four stories. Over the main entrance the words, CENTRAL LONDON HATCHERY AND CONDITIONING CENTRE, and, in a shield, the World State's motto, COMMUNITY, IDENTITY, STABILITY (Huxley 3). The "squat grey building" is symbolic of happiness and stands in sharp contrast to the World State's motto of community, identity and stability. Each component of the World State's motto can therefore be taken as subtle indicators of intense control, although initially the motto can lead to an early impression of a utopian society. Early warnings of this false impression of utopia are also found in the prominently displayed sign over the grey building: CENTRAL LONDON HATCHERY AND CONDITIONING CENTRE. This signs draw immediate attention of state control. THX 1138 however gets directly to the measure of control in society and makes no illusions about the nature of repressed freedom in its opening scene. The film introduces THX-1138 who is seen requesting "something stronger" from his medicine cabinet (THX-1138). Population and mind control is prominently unveiled in this opening scene by the request for something stronger. This is a less subtle approach than the opening in Brave New World where the population and mind control is inferred from the sign displayed on the grey building. In both works the opening scenes introduces two different types of control designed to bring about vastly similar results: control of the population. In Brave New World the Director takes a group of students on a tour of the London Hatchery and the reader learns through this tour that the State controls reproduction by extracting and genetically fertilizing ovaries to control the numbers of human beings produced. In THX 1138, population control is commandeered by controlling sexual desire through the use of sedative drugs. The sedatives are mandatory and cannot be altered as they control sexual desire. Sexual intercourse is an offence in THX 1138 whereas sexual intercourse is encouraged in Brave New World and is of no consequence to reproduction since the State controls reproduction. Ultimately, the underlying themes in THX 1138 and Brave New World is control through mind conditioning and manipulation. Both works create communities where one on one ties are entirely discouraged and people exist in a world characterized by community relations. Individuality is entirely discouraged. Both works are heavily themed by the concept that individuality provides division and division leads to instability. In furtherance of this ideology, Brave New World focuses on a world where infants are produced in caste systems where they are conditioned to comport with their designated class and status. For instance Delta babies are conditioned to dislike books and nature through associative therapy (Astrachan 35). In this therapeutic exercise, the babies at the Hatchery are naturally inclined to craws toward picture books and flowers. However, they are quickly men by a series of terrifying sounds which instinctively lead to an intense dislike for books and nature. In THX
Friday, November 1, 2019
SHORT LISTENING ASSIGNMENT FORMAT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
SHORT LISTENING ASSIGNMENT FORMAT - Essay Example The roles played by the piano, the bass and the drums are all very important. The piano is the lead and it starts out with the tone, melody and rhythm it wants to set for the whole song. The drums and bass play a similar role of maintaining the rhythm for the rest of the performers. The 12-bar blues chord progression (Rickert) is followed throughout most of the song. The pianist plays some variations during the performance. The bassist comps for the soloists by playing the root using slapping technique. The drummer uses fillers in between the performances of brass instrument players. The sequence of events in the song start with the pianist and bassist, then the saxophone, trombone and trumpets with the drummer play their sequences. The sequence displays head riff technique where the saxophone soloist performs his piece, the trombone player takes over for a while reiterating the chorus music and the saxophone soloist resumes his piece. The trumpet soloist also gets to showcase his variations. What is interesting to note is that the drummer and the trombone player have brief little duet which is very pleasant and emphasises the rhythm and melody of One O’clock Jazz. The light and upbeat melody of the entire piece is rejuvenating. The tone is simple yet energetic. The sequence of performances by the soloists and the sections is very well balanced. The video is visually appealing because the rhythmic motion display of the musicians rubs off on the listener and sets them
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